It’s Ok to Take a Break

Marissa Moyer
Anyone Can Write Online
2 min readOct 22, 2022

It’s good for you

Image by >David Schwarzenberg from Pixabay

It’s been some time since I posted on Medium. In July, I participated in Camp NaNoWriMo and wrote 50k edits to a novel I have been working on. During that time, I completed the first draft of Chapter 4 of Enemies but Lovers. Since posting the chapter, I haven’t posted anything new. That doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing.

I have been slowly rewriting chapters of my Sci-Fi WIP and writing for my blog. Medium has taken a back seat. Because I’m not keen on the environment of ‘people need to post every day’ to gain a following.

If you are a writer that can do that, I’m happy for you.

It’s not for me but I’m not here to put down those that can.

I’ll I’m getting at is, that it is ok to take a break.

It’s ok to take a breather.

If writing every day is stressing you out too much, it’s ok to take a break.

Life is too short to stress yourself over a number count.

If writing is your hobby and not a full-time job, definitely don’t stress yourself over it. Take a day or two break and recharge. Come back to the piece you were working on with fresh eyes.

Don’t get stressed over losing a handful of followers because you are focusing on your mental health and well-being first. If they are going to drop you that fast, you don’t need them anyway.

Are you afraid if you take a break you will fail? Don’t. A break is not a failure.

This comes from someone that allowed people around them to bully them into taking a three-year hiatus from writing. The hobby I love the most.

What I’m trying to say here is, do what is best for you. When you feel you need a break, do it for yourself. As I am finding out, how can you be at your best, if you don’t take care of yourself?

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Marissa Moyer
Anyone Can Write Online

Fiction story writer and blogger. Someday author of books. Gaming enthusiast.