Fireworks over a castle at Disney
Photo by Rick Han

Post-Publication Wins

The OSH Writer
Anyone Can Write Online
2 min readMar 22, 2023


It has been a couple of weeks now since I released my first self-published hybrid (e-/paper) book. It is available on B&N and Amazon in paperback and the latter as a Kindle read.

Now that the rush of satisfaction has lessened and I have taken a bit of time away from thinking about it, I checked in on Amazon to see how it looks to find this beauty of a ribbon on top!

Book cover for Umbria on a Whim with a cartoon car driving down a road towards a mountain.

Of course, I realize that this category might be very small. It might just mean that I sold one book while others have not. It might mean jack-diddly-squat overall, but as a first-time inexperienced published author I have to say — it feels pretty dang great to see this.

Don’t worry, I’m not letting it go to my head. I’m just celebrating the wins because we all know as writers that sometimes these moments are few and far between when it comes to feeling rewards for our efforts.

What I hope most, though, is that anyone reading this can feel a sense of hope that little ol’ nobody me can get a book out into the world and sell a few copies. My purpose in writing and sharing this whole process that I started over a year ago is to make the journey real for anyone who follows along with me. My eight-year-old dream of becoming a writer that ended up with me following other professional paths has now almost forty years later come true.

It feels great and I am motivated to keep going. It is only Volume 1 after all!

How are you celebrating the ways you open 📖 the sunshine ☀️ into your heart ❤️ to tell the stories📚 you have been waiting to tell?



The OSH Writer
Anyone Can Write Online

📖☀️❤️ Exploring cafes (mostly) and places where the muses give me inspiration to write and share the stories 📖 that open the sunshine ☀️ into the heart ❤️.