Writing on Medium

This is Why You Are Experiencing Slow Growth on Medium: Consistency Explained.

Wambui Njuguna
Anyone Can Write Online
2 min readOct 14, 2022


I have been writing on Medium for about 4 months now. I have had my fair share of ups and downs.

A roller coaster. The kind i have experienced when writing on Medium.
Photo by Kyle Hinkson on Unsplash (WHAT WRITING ON mEDIUM HAS BEEN LIKE FOR ME)

I’m currently experiencing the slowest growth I have had and I actually know why. If you overlook these simple tips, you are likely to experience low engagement, follower count, and views.

1. Inconsistent posting

People like patterns. People subconsciously get used to patterns.

The Medium algorithm is fond of newly published articles and foregoes their distribution over older articles. It is more pleasing to people when they find your article on their feed every day.

The only way to get your work distributed in a standard manner is to post as often as you can.

At this point, what you're distributing is not just your work, but your name.

When you get your name out there and it strikes curiosity in a reader, they are likely to click on your profile seeking more about you, and if interested in what you have to offer, follow you.

Posting consistently, increases your distribution, increasing your views, engagement, and follower count.

If you post one glorious article and then disappear for the next two weeks, you won’t get as much overall growth and engagement as you would have if you published more consistently.

2. No or decreased engagement

Here’s something else people like, connection.

Consciously, or not, people are attracted to attention. If you give that to them, they will keep coming back for more.

If you don’t respond to an article they left under your article two days ago, and another one yesterday, they are more likely to not leave a comment the next day.

Before they know it, every time your name pops up they attach it with a negative feeling rather than a positive feeling and lose interest in you and your work.

Reciprocation. Comment on other people’s work. Leave meaningful comments!

This will help you increase recognition and build a connection with other creators. Both can have a massive impact on increasing your growth.

Happy writing on Medium!

Don’t forget to catch my unlisted articles on Having a healthy relationship with your environment.

This series of articles is aimed at helping you live a more fulfilling life by using what you already have in your environment, the tangible and the intangible. It will help you notice what you have, filter what you don’t need, and use your environment to nurture your growth.

Contact me via email at wambuinjuguna707@gmail.com to get full access to all the articles for a small charge of $5. The price goes up when I turn this miniseries into an ebook.

Connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter. You can DM me for access to the unlisted articles.



Wambui Njuguna
Anyone Can Write Online

Compiling my first book, How to develop a healthy relationship with your environment, in my newsletter. Get access: https://wambui.carrd.co/