When Life Gets Busy, the Writing Stops

Thoughts on creating a writing routine when life gets busy

Leanna Jackson
Anyone Can Write Online


Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

In August I started my third semester of grad school. Simultaneously, I entered my third trimester of pregnancy, went to Utah for a week for work, and returned to have my baby shower the following day. Before I knew it, it was almost October.

Between work, school, and baby prep I suddenly had no time to write (although somehow I still found time to scroll TikTok for hours each day).

Life got busy, so the writing stopped.

When I picked writing back up in July, I wanted to write 500 words a day for 30 days straight. That goal has been a struggle. I’ve stopped and started at least four times now.

Between tackling work projects and grad school assignments, by the time I opened Medium my brain was fried. Or if I wanted to write first, I felt guilty for not spending that time working on assignments.

It’s been the most frustrating, roundabout process I’ve been trying to break for weeks.

But I knew that when I felt capable, I could write again.

Now the semester is almost done (my classes are only 7 weeks long), I feel like I can breathe again.

A blank document no longer feels like a hurdle to jump. I’m no longer lost in the depths of a clean, white screen with no energy to swim to the top.

There’s still time to hit my yearly article goals, I can restart my daily words challenge, and I can get back to interacting with my fellow writers on Medium.

Now, if only I could find some topics to write about…

