Housewives Do Work Indeed

Aamer Kahawish
Anything Asia
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2021
Photo by [alandelacruz4] From [Pixbay]

When I was a child, during the camps or any other activities that I participated in, when we were asked to introduce ourselves and talk about our families and what our parents do. I always wondered of those children who described what their mothers do by saying:
“ My mother doesn’t work, she is a house wife”.

I thought to myself that how could I say that my mother doesn’t work? While some of what she does for us just jumps in front of my eyes like a glimpse:

  • Wake us up everyday
  • Prepare our breakfast
  • Prepare us to schools
  • Help us with our homework
  • Cook lunch
  • Wash dishes
  • Make the laundry
  • Clean home
  • Stay awake almost all night when someone of us feels sick
  • Watering plants
  • Emotional support
  • Help us overcome our personal problems

I don’t want to bother you with a list of hundreds of small details and other important details that I can recall only by thinking for a few minutes about what a mother does to her children.

How on earth could I be able to say that my mother doesn’t work? … what a rude, selfish, shameless boy I could be if I said so?

Currently, as a father of two daughters I can see clearly the huge efforts that parents do for their children to keep them healthy, clean, safe, educated, and etc’.

Recently, I’ve read a post on one of the social network websites, that summarizes a research of a feminist organization and talks about the value of a house wife work. It comes up to $70 thousands a year on average.

Never think your mother works at home for free.

Thanks for every women who dedicated her life to grow up her children.
I love you, my mother.
I love you .. all mothers.



Aamer Kahawish
Anything Asia

Many thing to be said … and here I’m arranging my thoughts to become stories worth publishing