I’ll Be Loving You Long Time

Reasons to Keep Loving

Anything, Everything & In-between
5 min readJul 15, 2022


Photo by Alex Martinez on Unsplash

For July and those we will always love.

Relationships can be tedious and tasking, especially when life seems to get in the way more often than we would prefer.

The love of my life turned twenty-four a few days ago, and like I always do during special birthdays, I got lost in thoughts of what my life would be if they were absent. Despite the fights and distance, my people have constantly shown me that relationships can be worth the hassle in the long run.

If you ever feel like you can no longer tolerate a loved one; be it your partner, friend or family member, in honour of my beautiful July, here are 24 reasons to keep loving them:

  1. They make you laugh when no one else can. Sometimes, life will get to you and get in the way of your happiness — your boss will frustrate you, your finances will give you a headache, the list is endless. Not these people, though. They know how to make you smile through the pain.
  2. They are always present. From good days to bad days, through distance and scarcity, they are always there for you.
  3. You are always excited to talk to them. They are on the list of top three people you want to talk to. You want to share everything with them because they make it so easy.
  4. You would do anything for them and vice versa. That one person that can call you and tell you to grab a shovel and flashlight by 1 am and you won’t ask questions because you know they will do the same thing for you.
  5. You trust them with your life. You can tell them all your secrets, dreams and everything in-between. No matter how horrid or embarrassing, you trust them to always be on your side. They don’t judge you.
  6. You are yourself around them. You are unapologetically yourself with them. They not only encourage you to be yourself but also create an atmosphere so good, clean and pure that you have no choice but to be you.
  7. They always give you listening ears. No matter the time of the day, this person is always ready to listen to you. You can trust them to give you good advice, be sympathetic and open to understanding your emotions.
  8. They are always up for making new memories with you. The best memories you have, with or without pictures and videos, involve this person. They are intentional about doing things with you.
  9. They encourage you to be a better version of yourself. From sending you reminders to take a course or calling you every morning to make sure you do your morning exercise, as long as it involves your growth, this person is always encouraging you to get it done.
  10. They celebrate your wins. We all have that one person that is the most excited for us when we have something to celebrate, even if it is a 3-day running streak, they are the most excited about your wins.
  11. They cry with you. From mental breakdowns to unexpected breakfast, while they might not actually cry, they feel your pain as deeply as they would feel theirs.
  12. You love yourself when you are with them. When you are around them, you have no reason not to love yourself because they love you despite your shortcomings. These are the best kind of people!
  13. They are your biggest cheerleader. If it is good for you, they support you with all their hearts and you never have to wonder if you have their support.
  14. Your people are their people. Not in the toxic your enemies are my enemies way but that they care about those you care about. They cherish your family and friends almost as much as you do.
  15. Their presence brightens your day. You are content and happy when they are around you.
  16. They love you unconditionally. We have all disappointed those we love but with these people, you do not have to wonder if that disappointment will alter the love they have for you. Their love reminds you of God’s love and presence. It’s always there.
  17. You don't have to try to impress them. There is a level of comfort where you enjoy being yourself without any external interferences because of them. When you are around these people, you’re not trying to do anything because of them, instead, you are doing things because you want to.
  18. They share every part of their life with you, even when it is difficult.
  19. They send you random, unprovoked yet great pictures during the day and sometimes at night. There is something completely intimate about sending pictures, because you like them, to your person. These people do it with finesse.
  20. They are proud of you despite your journey and let you know it. Sometimes we are embarrassed about what we have been through and this can taint our outlook on ourselves. With these people, that is never an issue; they separate you from your journey and celebrate the person you are/can become.
  21. They never bring up your secrets and flaws when there is a fight or disagreement. No matter how bad an altercation is, they would never ridicule your past or make a mockery of things you have gone through to make themselves feel better.
  22. They do not hold a grudge. Forgiveness can be dicey considering the atrocities people are capable of, but with these people, you know you can expect complete forgiveness, even if it would take some time.
  23. They respect your boundaries. With easy relationships, it is easy to blur boundaries but not with these people. They understand that you have these boundaries in place for a reason and would never intentionally cross that line.
  24. They never give up on your relationship. They are intentional about fostering your relationship, ensuring that it only gets better with age. Despite arguments and fights, the only thing they are cancelling are thoughts of cancelling you.

Relationships can and will be tedious and tasking as we go through this journey called life but we should never forget that they can be the salve that soothes the injuries and hard blows life deals us. Every single thing listed above describes the love July, my little sister, has for me and I am so grateful she is in my life. We fight daily these days but I have never for one day questioned her love for me. She feels like an extension of me and I am glad that we are always enough for each other despite the season of life we are in.

There are so many reasons to end a relationship but even more reasons to keep on loving. What about you? What has encouraged you to stay in a relationship? Please share with me in the comment section.

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