Slow Drip x j.zen

Abstract Objective Achieved

First F15teen
2 min readJan 12, 2015


If all the world’s an artificial stage and all the men and women are merely post-humanoid action-figures, then how do I suspend my disbelief in time and space as an expert on the topic of a cybernetic life while submerged deep within a parabolic respiration chamber, wired to nodes for my daily information download and multilingual processing?

That is the question.

The answer comes in the shape of metaphors and similes and equilateral triangles propped up vertically against the golden rule.

I can tell by the colors of your energy field you are feeling no pain. When the physical body and the energy body are aligned in parallel proximity, we experience a phenomenological breakthrough of sorts, a dual strength allowing each of us individually (and united as a people) to regress backwards to our primordial birth. It’s in that moment we find our vision; our collective vision.

We share a vision of the future, you and I. Not science fiction, but real world activities that become part of our everyday lives supporting the everlasting now; sucking the marrow from the bone, leaping with eyes wide open towards the vertical horizon.

The critical masses with their common denominators (and unique DNA mappings, ideas, and opinions) rely upon coded tools of creation to floss behind their intrepid spirits as we all stand under this declaration, now naked before the Gods of the labyrinth and one another, desperate for connection with a loneliness replete with shivers and shakes, encouraging a network of multiverse collaborators that would put Ma Bell to shame; sharing and caring and over-sharing to the point of no return, providing digital breadcrumbs for posterity while exposing transparent posteriors on national television.

Ultimately, if we can let go of the axe pointed backwards upon ourselves and climb the tree of knowledge, re-appropriating the sap and bark intended for the Sister’s Strange cauldron soaking hot for a stew of suffering (curse’d are the wicked), then we may in fact regain that one thing driving our humanity towards the future, regardless of which planet we’re on: That is, our dignity.

The times haven’t changed as much as we think.

We are all quite vulnerable @ heart.


(Inspired by track No. 12, Time from Art Official Age by Prince)


Words by -j.2u
Images by j.zen
Published by First F15teen

Go ahead, click on the heart, you know you want to…

