Data Detox Day 8: Set Goals

Angelina Occhiuzzo
Published in
1 min readMar 23, 2019

I plan on choosing four apps on my phone that I can focus on a data detox and these four apps will be: safari, Facebook, USAA, and messages. I plan on detoxing one account per week. My first step is to make sure I have a secure and strong enough password for the ones that require a password such as Facebook and USAA. My next step is to make sure I am only using location when I absolutely need it for my messages and safari, and that I am also deleting history and old messages frequently. For Facebook, I am going to remove all the posts, photos, and comments that I do not need and un-tag all the pictures I am not comfortable with. I plan to clear my browser history and cookies every week, close my private browsing windows every day, log out of my accounts every month, delete or un-tag new photos and posts every month, check and limit app permissions every week, delete apps I no longer use every month, and assess my social media use every week. That last one will be the easiest because I get a weekly report telling me how much social media and screen-time I have used so I can keep track, and limit myself. I am going to try out Signal from the list of alternative apps to see how similar or different it is from messages, and once a month I will try not to use my phone.

