blockchainWhy NSO is worth trading in AOFEX Digital Asset Exchange and Trading Platform?

Li Xixi Emma
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2019

Price of Bitcoin broke through 8770usdt, which has drawn the first attention of Bitcoin in 2019. As a matter of fact, the first bitcoin tradings took place in Bitcoin Market 8 years ago. During that time, the industry giants began to rise and fall, and the new entrance to the world is full of horizons. In any case, the industry has never been calm, and its change is one year ahead.

Others might think that exchanges are positioned high in the industry of blockchain, which could keep running by transaction fee alone. While the market is in good condition, this may be the case, but in 2018 and the beginning of 2019, even the head exchanges can hardly stay alive. For example, HuoBi Global had to lay off employees in the cold winter, and earn commissions by opening contract transactions.

As an effective hedging tool for financial markets for nearly a hundred years, contract dealing is considered a must-have for every volatile market. Users apply contracts to hedge risks in different scenarios. Nowadays, several major exchanges have successively launched contracts, but due to the characteristics of the digital asset industry, they still need to improve continuously in developing.

Recently, I have also tried contracts in different exchanges. Although it is not a very healthy thing to do…. Isn’t life all about experiencing? Focusing on a new exchange AOFEX based in London, United Kingdom with non-standardized option. NSO is a new digital asset financial derivative that is simple, flexible and easy to operate, and can effectively help investors hedge risks. The investment risk caused by the volatility of the price. The remaining question is, how to use this tool?

For impartiality, AOFEX applies the data of the weighted average of 4 exchange platforms, so that the artificial malicious intervention is eliminated, which also suggests that the reliability of the data.

Although the data is calculated by Artificial Intelligence, there are too many uncertainties in the market, especially the price. There are risks for sure. This rate of reliability requires more experimental operations. I tested in a small position, and will have the opportunities to share the test results with you.

Opportunities and risks coexist. Non-Standardized Options aka is also considered as one type of option trading. Unlike contracts, NSO trades fora up and down with delivery time (1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 1h, 1d). , 1w), in the mean time, the period cannot stop loss.

It is not difficult to find that the model of NSO is based on future options, because we buy the option and do not see the corresponding sell, whereas it should be the exchange itself to digest all the profits and losses, then on how to ensure the rights of users.

Seeing screenshots of selling bitcoins via E-commerce in 2012 has made me think a lot. In fact, this industry is still in the stage of infancy, the opportunities are literally everywhere. As a new tool, NSO gives us suggestions and how to apply it better.

Recently, AOFEX officially expanded into the Asian market. If you are interested, you can register and 10USDT will be released to your account.

