Is Augmented Intelligence the Future?

Ana Isabella
APAC CIO Outlook
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2019

Artificial intelligence is, undeniably, a popular buzzword. The idea that a machine can exhibit the same level of intelligence and sentience as a human being has captured much interest. This idea has increasingly become popular in the workplace. A report showed that AI revenue could grow from $643.7 million in 2016 to $36.8 billion by 2025. The latest emerging AI trends and developments have presented a consideration for humankind.

The origin of job uncertainty with the rise of AI and technology, in general, is a matter that goes way back in time. Mobile phone devices with smart technology were a new concept to human beings. With time, they increasingly became a conventional device. Similarly, AI products and solutions like the virtual AI assistants have become a part of everyone’s everyday lives and are likely here to stay. AI can also be a powerful working tool in many current business scenarios. Fundamentally, while the human brain works on higher-level tasks, continuous tasks can be fed to AI.

Read More: Is Augmented Intelligence the Future?

Start up Trends

The year 2018 left many forecasts about the trends that startups in 2019 will bring before our eyes. The global startup ecosystem has witnessed tremendous growth over recent years, and that had well mirrored in every sector, as each of them experienced the waves of innovative business ideas and technologies that uplifted them from one point to another in their businesses.

The statistics are pointing out that 95% of the global startups had digital business plans in place, in 2018, and that had paved the ground for their success considerably. 55% of startups had already embraced some digital business strategy compared to the rest of traditional enterprises.

Developing a business that reaches to the consumer directly, instead of making them come to you is a clear trend that new start-ups and established enterprises are following now.

Despite the difficulty to choose the most appealing industry, to start over with a business in today’s day in age proffers greater opportunities and flexibility than ever before. Having a good concept and clarity over the way implementing new technologies available will take one far in this arena.

Here are four most promising startup trends to take note of for 2019: Read More

