The Upswing in the RegTech Landscape

Ana Isabella
APAC CIO Outlook
Published in
1 min readSep 5, 2019

The financial industry generates massive volumes of data, and it requires more than a single team to extract customer insights and prevent fraud by analyzing the information. RegTech is the rescuing branch of the industry that has come up with emerging technologies to resolve the challenges.

A Quick Look at RegTech:

2008 was a denting year surrounded by the financial crisis, due to the new rules and regulations, which were tailored to minimize risks and frauds in the finance industry. The companies, which were unsuccessful to adhere to the strict regulations, had to face steep fines.

RegTech with technologies and solutions act as a bridge that can help the companies to cut down the costs as well as processes. It also takes care of protecting the company against fraud and cybersecurity risks, meanwhile. It can stay compliant and allow companies to grow, without compromising with customer engagement.

Working of RegTech:

RegTech solutions generally operate as software-as-a-service (SaaS) and cloud computing applications and facilitate organizations with PnP solution to their regulatory afflictions. A RegTech device keeps an eye on the transactions that take place online and in real-time.

The tool recognizes different issues and abnormalities in the payments carried out in the digital sphere as well as analyze the transactions in case of any falsified sum. It is considered as a Read More

