Solving Data Pipeline Challenges with Apache Airflow: A Real-Life Example

Raviteja Tholupunoori
Apache Airflow
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2024

Imagine💬 you are a data engineer at a growing tech company, and one of your key responsibilities is to ensure that data from various sources is collected, transformed, and loaded into a central data warehouse for analysis. The complexity of managing these data pipelines increases as the volume of data grows, leading to frequent errors, missed deadlines, and a lot of manual intervention.

My Journey with Airflow

Back in 2019, I started working on a project to build a customer data platform (CDP) for a client. This involved processing massive amounts of data through various microservices. Initially, we used Talend, an ETL tool, but managing it became cumbersome. Even minor changes to the pipeline or data schema required rebuilding and redeploying the entire Talend job.

This led me to explore alternatives, and that’s when I came across Apache Airflow. I dug into how it worked and became convinced that it was a better solution for our needs. I presented my findings to my team, and they agreed. That’s how my journey with Airflow began! Post this I worked almost for 3–4 years and gained much knowledged and even solved different use cases using Apache Airflow

High Level Architecture Diagram

About Airflow:

Apache Airflow is an open-source platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows. Since its inception at Airbnb in 2014, Airflow has grown to become a widely adopted tool for orchestrating complex computational workflows and data processing pipelines. With its robust and extensible framework, Airflow is a top choice for data engineers and developers aiming to automate and manage their workflows.

Use cases

Apart form the above mentioned usecase we can solve different usecase as below:

  1. ETL Pipelines: Airflow handles ETL(Extract, Transform, Load) tasks with grace. It schedules and monitors these pipelines, ensuring your data remains consistent and reliable, just like a diligent librarian cataloging new books.
  2. Data Warehousing: Airflow helps streamline the process of loading data into warehouses, performing necessary transformations along the way making use of different operators in built.
  3. Machine Learning Pipelines: Airflow can automates multiple steps like data preprocessing, model training, evaluation, and deployment ensuring your machine learning workflows run smoothly and efficiently, like a well-rehearsed symphony.
  4. Data Processing: Airflow coordinates tasks such as data cleaning, validation, and aggregation, acting as a reliable assistant that keeps everything on track.
  5. DevOps Automation: Airflow can automate tasks like running backups, monitoring system health, and deploying applications, making it an invaluable tool for maintaining operational efficiency.

Airflow Pros 👍 :

  • Scalability 📈🔝📊: Airflow scales seamlessly, handling very large workflows and distributing tasks across multiple workers.
  • Flexibility 🤸‍♂️🔄🌀: With Python-based DAG definitions, You can easily customize your workflows to fit your unique requirements
  • Extensibility 🧩🚀🔧: Airflow’s built-in operators(Bash Operators, Python Operators, Kubernetes Pod Operators and others) and the ability to create custom operators allow it to integrate with numerous external systems and APIs.
  • Community and Ecosystem 👫🌎: Being an Open source tool, Airflow benefits from a large and active community. This ensures continuous improvements and a wealth of plugins and integrations. It’s like being part of a global network of experts, always ready to lend a helping hand.
  • UI and Monitoring 📱👁️‍🗨️📊: The web interface provides a clear view of workflow status, logs, and task details, making debugging and monitoring a breeze.

Airflow Cons 👎:

  • Complexity 🌀🔍🔧: The learning curve can be steep, especially for those new to Python or workflow orchestration. It’s like learning to play a complex musical instrument — challenging but rewarding once mastered.
  • Resource Intensive ⚙️🔋💡: Airflow can consume significant system resources, particularly for large DAGs and high-frequency task execution. Managing these resources effectively is crucial to maintain optimal performance.
  • Operational Overhead ⏳🔄: Maintaining an Airflow deployment, including managing the database and worker nodes, can be complex and require significant operational effort. It’s like running a large-scale operation where every detail matters.
  • Dependency Management 🧩🔗📦: Handling Python dependencies across different tasks can be challenging, often requiring careful management of virtual environments or containers.


Its has been almost 4–5 years i have been working on airflow staring from writing simple tasks and now able to deploy it in different cloud platforms liks GCP, Azure and AWS was an amazing Journey. Once you master this tool, it will be a game-changer for your data workflows.

Airflow is definitely worth exploring. My experience has been overwhelmingly positive, and it’s become a critical tool for our data engineering and workflow orchestration.

