Run Mesos Locally with Mesos Mini Docker Container

Jie Yu
Apache Mesos
Published in
4 min readNov 19, 2018

Mesos Mini is a Docker image maintained by the Apache Mesos community. It allows you to test Mesos locally with a simple docker run.

Why Mesos Mini

Being able to spin up a local Mesos cluster in Docker can greatly simplify the work in the following scenarios:

  • Demo: Imagine doing a live demo with Mesos in a conference with unstable Wifi.
  • Framework development: Write end-to-end integration tests for your framework with a local Mesos cluster in a Docker container. This can be easily automated in your test suite.
  • Test new Mesos features: Test new features from Mesos that haven’t been released yet. You might be able to do that by building Mesos from the source code, but most framework developers do not know how to do it, and it is slow.

The idea is similar to minikube or minimesos.

However, minimesos is no longer maintained. As a result, the Apache Mesos community decided to maintain a solution in the Mesos repository to simplify CI integrations.

Get started

Make sure Docker is installed. We have tested on both Linux and MacOS.

To create a local Mesos cluster, simply do a docker run:

$ docker run --rm --privileged -p 5050:5050 -p 5051:5051 -p 8080:8080 mesos/mesos-mini

It will launch one Mesos master, one Mesos agent, and one example framework (Marathon) in the Docker container.

You should be able to access the Mesos master UI at http://localhost:5050. Similarly, you can access the Mesos agent at http://localhost:5051. The Marathon UI can be accessed at http://localhost:8080.

You should now be able to launch containers in the local Mesos cluster using Marathon as follows :

$ cat app.json
"id": "test",
"cmd": "sleep 1000",
"cpus": 1,
"mem": 128,
"disk": 0,
"instances": 1,
"container": {
"docker": {
"image": "alpine"
"type": "DOCKER"
"networks": [
"mode": "host"
$ curl -X POST -d @app.json -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/v2/apps

To stop the local Mesos cluster, please use docker stop. All artefacts associated with the local Mesos cluster will be cleaned up when the Docker container stops.

The following Docker image tags are maintained:

  • master: The latest master branch HEAD.
  • <RELEASE_BRANCH>: The latest release branch HEAD (e.g., 1.7.x).
  • master-<DATE>: The snapshot builds for master branch (e.g., master-2018-11-19).
  • <RELEASE_BRANCH>-<DATE>: The snapshot builds for release branch (e.g., 1.7.x-2018-11-19).

Note that there is no support for release branches earlier than 1.7.x. All future release branches will be supported.

How is it done?

We use systemd to manage multiple daemons in the Mesos Mini Docker container. As a result, you can use the following command to restart the Mesos master in the Mesos Mini Docker container:

$ docker exec <CONTAINER_ID> systemctl restart mesos-master

Similarly, you can use that to restart other services (e.g., Mesos agent or Marathon). This is very useful for those end-to-end integration tests that want to simulate Mesos master failover.

Docker Containerizer

One of the goals of Mesos Mini is to mimic production settings as much as possible.

To allow frameworks to launch Docker containers, we embed a Docker Daemon (i.e., Docker in Docker) in the Mesos Mini Docker container. For instance, to view all Docker containers in the Mesos cluster, use the following command on your host:

$ docker exec <CONTAINER_ID> docker ps

The cgroup root for the embedded Docker Daemon has been configured so that the cgroups for the nested Docker containers are properly nested within the Mesos Mini Docker container. This ensures that no cgroups traces will be left in the system when the Mesos Mini Docker container finishes.

Mesos Containerizer (UCR)

For the Mesos Containerizer (UCR), we turn on most of the isolators that are typically turned on in production environments. Similary for the Docker daemon, we need to do a few tweaking on cgroups in the Mesos Mini Docker container to make sure it does not leave any traces when the Mesos Mini Docker container terminates.

For each cgroup subsystem, Docker does a bind mount from the current cgroup to the root of the cgroup subsystem. For instance:

/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/docker/<cid> -> /sys/fs/cgroup/memory

This will confuse the Mesos agent and UCR because it relies on the proc file /proc/<pid>/cgroup to determine the cgroups of a given process, and this proc file is not affected by the bind mount of the cgroups.

To workaround that, we perform the following steps for each cgroup subsystem when bootstrapping the Mesos Mini Docker container to recreate the cgroups layout as if it were on the host.

$ mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/docker/<cid>
$ mount --bind /sys/fs/cgroup/memory /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/docker/<cid>

And then set Mesos agent --cgroups_root flag to docker/<cid>.


The build scripts for Mesos Mini are hosted in the Mesos repository. The Mesos Docker Mini Jenkins CI has been setup to automatically push daily snapshot builds to Docker hub for supported release branches as well as the master branch.

For any bug fix or new features, please follow the Apache Mesos contribution guide.

Mesos CentOS Docker Image

In some scenarios, some users might prefer having a Docker image that only has Mesos installed. To enable that, we also built a mesos/mesos-centos Docker image. The tags are similar to those of Mesos Mini. In fact, mesos/mesos-mini uses mesos/mesos-centos as its base image.

The build scripts for the Mesos CentOS Docker image are also hosted in the Mesos repository. The Mesos Docker CentOS Jenkins CI has been setup to automatically push daily snapshot builds to Docker hub for supported release branches as well as the master branch.

Current limitations

  • Only one Mesos agent can be launched in the Mesos Mini Docker container.
  • Marathon uses in-memory storage instead of ZK.
  • SSL is not enabled.

Originally published at

