New Neighbors- September 2021
Here at the Neighborhood, we like to pause and welcome the people who just moved into our neighborhood. These are people who have made their first contribution this month and for September we had 16 people! Below are their github names and a link, so take a moment and welcome our new neighbors.
hellomyboy, asagjj, lordcheng10, bookjiang, thomasleplus, metahys, EronWright, 9ft, sourabhaggrawal, aarondonwilliams, zwalsh-toast, MMirelli, shibd, and tomscut
Fun stats for September 2021
September is when schools start up and fall begins (well for the northern hemisphere). Yet, we didn’t fall but held steady with 97 people who visited our slack/github/stack overflow and asked a question for the first time, which is about the same for August.
We had 274 (even month over month) people involved in 2,448 (up 8% month over month)conversations and had 73 (even) contributors making 299(up 26%) contributions.