All girls love these quotes 😍

Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2018

This time we will explore romantic quotes on Apagraph. They are full of love, hopes and pure feelings. Enjoy!

If music be the food of love then get your quote on!

If you are sucker for romance and cannot shout out about your true love enough, Apagraph is the number one quote site for you! Sharing your favourite romantic quotes with your friends on social media will give you the warm and fuzzies all day, every day!

There are lots of ways that you can connect with the world when it comes to romance and we are very happy to help you spread some love!

Cute Romantic Quotes

Whatever your romantic inclinations you are sure to have been inspired with a few words of wisdom along your journey through life. Romantic quotes have inspired us to want to be a better person and have allowed us to dream about meeting the perfect person.

Reading a cute romantic quote takes us back to the early days of crushing on someone and falling in love with them as the weeks go by. Think hearts and roses with lots of puppies and cute animals and even the hardest of hearts will soften.

Inspirational Romantic Quotes

Let your sweet side shine when you are inspired by romance all around you. If you are missing a loved one or feel a bit sad due to a lack of dates you can indulge in the romance of others. Checking out inspirational romantic quotes on line can prompt you to get back on the love train and get swiping left or right!

Humorous Romantic Quotes

Love does not have to be serious, it can be friendly, fun and frisky! If you are the cheeky one of the group then you can delight in a few humorous quotes online! Whether you are having a dig at your slushy friends or you love a bit of banter with your other half, you will love reading and sharing fun romantic quotes online. If you have a group of friends who are feeling unlucky in love right now then get together and start reading funny love quotes to make you all feel better!

Our Favourite Romantic Quotes

Here are just a few of our romantic quotes that are dedicated users have been publishing during the last few weeks.

How CUTE is this? Go kiss your loved one now, go go go!

This cheeky quote is for those of you who do not take love too seriously and who have probably just been a little bit sick reading quote number one!

A firm favourite! This is one of those quotes that just takes love as it is. Not too sweet but still with of a hint of cute.

We love this one. This shows how everyday life works in this modern world. We are sure that love wins though!

Another firm favourite. There is no denying that you sometimes have to follow your gut. Your mum may give you the best advice in the world but our heart tells us how it really is.

Who doesn’t love this one? Our heart is melting just reading this one out loud. You can bet the hare lots of people sharing this online!

Last but not least, this little quote hits the spot for many! Love can be very challenging at times. Knowing that others share your pain and heartache of being in love from afar will offer support and guidance.

We are sure that all of the above quotes will have made you smile, laugh or sigh. The nature of romantic quotes means that we cannot help but be affected by the words that we see.

If you want to earn some brownie points by sharing romantic quotes with your loved ones then come leave your mark and get your loved one on side.

Who says love is dead! If you love these then come say hello and get creating your own quotes on our easy to use platform!

