We have new animated themes!💥

Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2018

Today we are happy to announce three new cool themes coming to Apagraph. The great thing about them is that they are all animated which will make your words look like alive!

These skeletons are romantic persons

Meet Romantic Skeletons. These guys know everything about love and beautiful moments in the life, even though they them self are not super attractive boys. They will talk to each other for hours and days while hearts and arrows will fly behind them.

Romantic Skeletons

Happiness is simple

Sitting in the quite place with a beautiful lady playing guitar…isn’t it a happiness? For some of us it is! Just forget everything for a while, relax and sing your favorite song with a smile on your face.

Lady Guitar

All the wisdom of the world

How much wisdom do you have in your head? This wise man has all the wisdom of the world in his tiny head! See this librarian woman surprised by how much interesting things can come out of this head.


Visit Apagraph and try these new attractive animated themes! Don’t hesitate lettings us know your opinion in comments.

