Enabling Full Functionality on Your Google Workspace Account (G Suite): Google Assistant & Android Apps for Your Chromebook (e.g. Google Pixelbook & Chrome OS)


Background Context

There has been a constant struggle for those of us using G Suite accounts while trying to get full account functionality. You can read dozens of comments on the Google Cloud Connect forum to see the frustration:

The way Google explains it is that you should be using Gmail for your personal email and G Suite for your business email.

I, like many, decided to go the custom domain route in conjunction with G Suite for my personal email address. There’s just somethings about having control over the way your email address looks. If you managed to grab a professional looking gmail address (usually consisting of your name), this may be less of an issue. Most people tend to grab an alias that they are stuck with for most of their life, often times, something that is not very professional. Yes, there is always the option to migrate over to a new gmail address in the future, but trust me, it is not something you want to deal with. Google does not make this easy.



Alex Bass
Analysis Paralysis by efficient.app (CyberBytes)

Founder & Head of Product at Efficient App - Business Process Automation & Efficiency Expert