Are You Still Worried About Your Stress And Time?

Aparna Srinivasan
Published in
4 min readFeb 23, 2018

Stress in people’s life causes a lot of changes to their normal life. Stress is a strain, tension or a pressure that occurs within us. It depends a lot on people’s perceptions of a situation and their real ability to cope with it.Here you would see how to drive normal life by some techniques to reduce stress and would help understand the pressure and performance in a better way.

Time management is a skill to acquire success. Time is money!

Time is more than money. Its life. You would see how to manage time and analyze the time wasters in details.

Most commonly accepted definition of stress is,

“Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize”.

Particularly in normal working life, much of our stress is subtle and occurs without obvious threat to survival. Most comes from things like work overload, conflicting priorities, inconsistent values, over-challenging deadlines, conflict with co-workers, unpleasant environments and so on.

Time management is a skill which has to be acquired by one who has to succeed in life.

Time management can be got by avoiding procrastination, prioritizing, and scheduling, managing interruptions.

To reduce Stress do these,

1) A positive mental attitude is a key to stress management.

2) Be realistic.

3) Leave your work at work.

4) Simplify.

5) Prioritize.

6) Take good care of you… Get enough

Do you know the Positive Effects of Pressure,

Sometimes, however, the pressures and demands that may cause stress can be positive in their effect.

One example of this is where sportsmen FLOOD their bodies with fight-or-flight adrenaline to power an explosive performance.

Another example is where deadlines are used to motivate people who seem bored or unmotivated. But mostly we see stress as a problem that needs to be solved.

Take stress seriously!

How Pressure and Performance are related ?

The relationship between pressure and performance is explained in one of the oldest and most important ideas in stress management, the “Inverted-U” relationship between pressure and performance.

The Inverted-U relationship focuses on people’s performance of a task.

Inverted U relationship between Pressure and Performance

Time Management : Six Rules !!!!

  1. List goals –set priority

2. Make a daily to-do list

3. Start with high pay-off

4. Keep asking “what is the best use of my time right now”

5. Handle each paper only once

6. Do it now.

Prioritize !

Prioritizing is a key for time management without it, you may work very hard, but you won’t be achieving the results you desire because what you are working on is not of strategic importance. Most people have a “to-do” list of some sort. The problem with many of these lists is they are just a collection of things that need to get done.

Set Your Goals :)

To start managing time effectively, you need to set goals. When you know where you’re going, you can then figure out what exactly needs to be done, in what order.

Without proper goal setting, you’ll fritter your time away on a confusion of conflicting priorities. People tend to neglect goal setting because it requires time and effort.

How can you manage Interruption ?

The next issue for time management knows what to do to minimize the interruptions you face during your day. It is widely recognized that managers get very little uninterrupted time to work on their priority tasks. There are phone calls, information requests, questions from employees, and a whole host of events that crop up unexpectedly. Some do need to be dealt with immediate.

“PROCRASTINATION” Don’t Postpone $##@$#%

“I’ll get to it later” has led to the downfall of many a good employee. After too many “later” the work piles up so high that any task seems insurmountable. Procrastination is as tempting as it is deadly. The best way to beat it is to recognize that you do indeed procrastinate.

How to Overcome Procrastination

Step 1: Recognize that you are Procrastinating

Step 2: Work out WHY you are Procrastinating

Step 3: Get over it!


v Interruptions we face during the day

v Being a slave on the telephone

v Unexpected unwanted visitors

v Needless reports/Junk mails


v Procrastination

v Afraid to delegate

v Not wanting to say “No”

v Low self-esteem

v Problems with priorities

As a concluding statement,

Stress management is a skill which can be acquired by developing a positive mental attitude. Personal SWOT analysis can also be performed to avoid stress.

Time management is a skill which has to be acquired by one who has to succeed in life.

Time management can be got by avoiding procrastination, prioritizing, and scheduling, managing interruptions.

