Personalised Education

How to challenge traditional education

APBioNET Bytes


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Sometime back I came across on Facebook this powerful TEDx Talk by Gautam Khetrapal, entitled “The Wheel of Modern Education”.

The take-home message of the talk was that the future of education was personalisation.

This was then shared in a data science social platform group, which led to some very interesting discussions.

One commented that:

“this (personalisation of education) is not ready for the masses or even the average, but perhaps limited to the few daring individuals.”

I replied as below, which then led to further discussions.

“We live in the age of customization. The solution for this is perhaps already out there, we just need more universities to be bold to adopt the future and bring it to the masses.”

I believe that the discussion by Gautam is on tertiary level education, but even at the K-12 level (high school) or below, there is still a lot to be desired. Nonetheless, there is still a lot…

