Apeiron Update: April Dev Report

Published in
8 min readApr 27, 2023

Shoompa poompa doodity doo

We’ve been working making Apeiron for you

Shoompa poompa boopity bars

Come with us and fly to the stars

Hey y’all! Today we’ll be checking in with our April Development Report. Our Apeiron team has been squirreling away prepping everything needed for Season 2, as well as a bunch of other things besides looking even further into the future (the future!). Our road to greatness is paved with hard work etc etc.

In this Development Report, as with last month, we’ll be covering updates from the following teams:

-Web 3

-Game Development

-Game Design

-Art: 3D and Animations

-Art: 2D and Concepts



But first, a message from Frank Cheng, Foonie Magus CEO:

“We are remodeling our tokenomics as we are adjusting our valuation according to the current economic environment. We are altering the investment rounds and vesting schedule to fit the current product pipeline. We will include new airdrop mechanisms to our APRS and ANIMA metrics to better reflect what we learnt in the markets these years. We will lock it down as we approach June, when we have finalized our TGE method and launch dates. Thank you for your continued support of Apeiron, and we look forward to continuing this journey with you into the godiverse and beyond!”

Bold words from our bold leader. Also: our whitepaper’s had an update! A big update! Go check that out HERE.

Now let’s get a doodin’ and a boodin’, godlings!

Web 3

The Web3 team has spent the month busily finalizing — and launching! — Star Orbital Track renting. It was important for us to get this online since this is a key utility for Star NFT owners — being able to rent out extra Orbital Tracks to Planet holders to start getting that sweet sweet passive income. So in the leadup to launch it was testing, bug fixing, and also auditing! The auditing was done by Peckshield Inc. (https://twitter.com/peckshield).

Looking towards next month, the Web3 team will be working on implementing Apostle Minting Contracts in the leadup to Battle Demo Season 2 as well as getting the backend all ship-shape and ready for a new voyage (ahar mateys! Ye didn’t expect a pirate metaphor here, did ye?).

Game Development

The Game Development programmers have been busily putting ALL THE THINGS inside the Battle Demo Season 2. This has included all the new Apostle skills, Event rooms, different winning objectives (ooo interesting!), Apostle skill upgrading, and different kinds of items (check out one of them below) in the shop. This is a very quick paragraph that covers an awful lot of work. Which happens sometimes with the programmers. Poor programmers! They never stop clacking away on their keyboards, constantly working. Spare a thought for them.

For the merry month of May, the programming team will take what they’ve been given from the art team and — like trying to fit more clowns in a clown car — stuff it into the season 2 demo. In this case, they’re really going to have to squeeze to get in the three new bosses we have planned!

Game Design

Our game designers this month have been finalizing the details on the player side of things for the Battle Demo Season 2. This has included significant testing and review of all of the new skills being introduced to the game, as well as preliminary testing, balancing, and review of the level design, game loop, and event rooms. It has also involved messing around with all the new Artifacts and how those are going to work to power (rangers!) up the player.

Now May is going to be about putting the spotlight on the enemies the player will face in the new version. The designers will be reviewing the updated enemies (who’ve gotten a fresh coat of paint and their own new skills) and the three new boss fights in the leadup to a full test of the Battle Demo Season 2! Of course there will be all sorts of tweaks and adjustments as we fine tune everything to make it just the right combination of engrossingly entertaining and devilishly challenging >:]

Art: 3D and Animations

For 3D and Animations, this month was mostly boss month! VFX, Animations, and Modeling for the three bosses for the Battle Demo Season 2, specifically, as well as painting the new boss battle map. There was also just a splash of fixing up the dood Apostles customization in-game textures.

Next month…woof. The team is looking to rebuild and confirm 45 (FORTY FIVE) Avatar rigging systems and paint weight, as well as work on 15 (FIFTEEN…maybe less impressive than FORTY FIVE but still impressive!) Avatar in-game textures. They also plan to work on VFX for other elements of The Wisdom Avatar combat class. It’s going to be a helluva ride.

Art: 2D and Concepts

2D and Concepts had a little bit of time to breathe this month, which was great, because they could fill up their schedule with more long-term projects. But we’ll get to those in a minute. In the short term, they worked on Battle Demo Season 2 Artifacts, Event room artworks, new Items for the shop (lots of new stuff to BUY BUY BUY), Boss skill designs, and props for battles — just to jazz ’em up a little.

On the longer term side, Concepts and 2D continued their fruitful collab with the Story/Lore team to produce some concepts of gods for Vol. 1 of the Apeiron story. WHICH ARE REALLY COOL

For next month, it’s back to the grindstone to prep for Season 3 Battle Demo — including the Avatar Wisdom skill card designs, the new set of Season 3 Artifacts, and some PvP stuff! Including environment and NPC design. Maybe the fellow above could tell us more about that…later.


As above, the lore team has continued to work with the 2D and Concepts team to implement the story of Apeiron through a colorful cast of divine characters making up Vol. 1. We can’t wait for you guys to meet all of them! Additionally, the writers have been chugging away on some juicy lore tidbits on the dungeons, bosses, and other creatures/denizens within. What terrible tales of monsters do we have to tell you? Wait and see! Muahahahahaa

For May, the lore team will be working on the story background for the PvP aspect of the Season 3 demo, as well as continuing to produce monthly short stories detailing the backgrounds of some of the Apostles who have yet to arrive in our game — but are on their way! Flying through space to a dungeon near you. Well, punted through space.


For this month, our community leadership has been working with Lorekeeper — aka Frank Cheng Foonie Magus CEO and Apeiron Supreme Lord — on a revamp of Doodaria, our vaunted official Apeiron Discord server. Specifically, we’ve made it significantly easier for new users to come in and get started. It’s never been simpler! We’re happy to report we’ve reduced the complexity from 90% impossible to fathom to a very healthy 70% only mildly mind-boggling.

Jokes aside, the big part of our latest revamp is that right now all you really need to do is come and hang out and chat! Doing so will net you Souls, which you can spend to get goodies. All sorts of goodies! Goodies for days!

Then, for our asset holders, they’ll also be able to earn Foonie Emblems (FE) to get EVEN MORE exclusive rewards. Really the server is just an excuse for us to give out free stuff. Like this mysterious Doodraic Seal, pictured below (which you can see is hovering ominously and with INTENT to do…something):

Also in our Discord revamp, we have GODLING BOUNTIES. Basically, these are lil’ quests/missions open to our asset holders. You can find them posted on the bounty board channel, and they’ll give you — you’ll be shocked at this one — more rewards. It’s reward city. Rewards for days! www.apeironrewards.com/itsourdiscorddon’tgotothiswebsiteitsnotreal.

We’re also going to be launching our Dadi 2.0 system. Dadis are our super doods. They’re the foundations of our community, and its future leaders. Dadis get all sorts of insider privileges, so it’s well worth getting mixed up in if you’re all about Apeiron. Find more info on our Discord.

For the community team, May’s going to be about testing all these new toys and seeing if anything breaks. If it does, we’ll fix it. If it doesn’t, it’s perfect forever and we won’t make any more changes ever again.

We also wanted to take this opportunity to share with you a lil’ ol’ infographic about Apeiron’s S2 Apostle minting.

Thank you hin_us#4220, Astariste#1146, Tanbod(Tan)#3493, Qryon#2591 for piecing this together! You guys ROCK.


And as you can see by the short line break above, that does it for this week’s dev report! Oh the places we went, and the places we have left to go. Can we offer you some dood eggs and ham for the journey ahead? You’re going to want a big breakfast to have the energy to waffle on from this feast of…ok not sure where this metaphor is going.

Go to our Twitter! Our Discord! Follow and retweet us, tell us your thoughts, do all the things, share all your feelings, and let’s go to the new whole new world that is the month of May together~

And as always, thanks for reading, godlings. We’ll see you next time.

About Apeiron

Apeiron is the world’s first NFT-based play-and-earn godgame. Apeiron will feature a unique card-based action-adventure combat system combined with god game simulation gameplay inspired by classic god games like Populous and Black & White. Players will be able to build up planets from above before descending to the ground as a powerful Avatar to solve the mysteries of the universe. Players will grow their planet to the point of developmental stagnation, then reset the planetary cycle via an Armageddon event to allow for even more advancement and thrilling late-game alliance level GvE and GvG activities. Apeiron will use a tri-token architecture, which means that there will be three separate tokens to navigate their ecosystem: a governance token, a play-to-earn token, and a premium alliance token.

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Foonie Magus is a team of veteran developers brought together by passion, enthusiasm and experience to take on the ultimate Blockchain Game.