Planet x Avatar NFT
Last time we gave a whirlwind overview of all that Apeiron has to offer — and Apeiron offers a lot. Today’s article will be a more in-depth discussion of the Planet NFT and its Avatar, and its fundamental importance to Apeiron’s gameplay loop. Let’s dive in!
Apeiron’s gameplay loop — exploration of dungeons and god game simulation — it all takes place on Planets. Each Planet is a unique NFT. What makes it unique? I’m glad you asked! Planets are composed of a specific elemental distribution, combination of traits, Avatar class, and relic slots. We’ll talk now a little bit about how each of these affects your gameplay.
We’ll start with elemental distribution. Every planet will have its elements randomly distributed between earth, air, water, and fire. So for example, a standard planet might have something like 21% fire, 22% earth, 24% air, and 33% water. Elemental distribution is fixed once a planet is formed — to get planets with more interesting distributions, you’ll need to purchase one on the market or breed your own through Celestial Conjunction.
Elemental distribution is important not only because it will change the way you approach the god game — different planets having their own puzzles to solve — but also because it changes the skills available to your Avatar. Should you manage to get a Primal Element Planet, one where the elemental distribution is completely concentrated in one element, you’ll be able to unlock ultimate elemental skills of incredible power.
Besides elemental distribution, each planet will have its own traits. Traits offer a wide range of passive, active, or even simply cosmetic bonuses. The Fertile Fields common trait, for instance, will increase the Dood growth rate, while the Olympus Mons epic trait will grant Avatar’s the unique Towering Shield skill. As you search or breed the perfect planet, you’ll want to pay attention to what traits your planet has!
Each planet will also have its own associated Avatar class — one planet might host a Warrior Avatar, for instance, while another might host a Mage. For those breeding planets, both traits and Avatar class will have a chance to be passed down to the descendant planet, so with a little luck you’ll slowly be able to create what you think is the perfect combination of class, element, and traits.
Finally, each planet will have a number of Relic slots. Into these slots you’ll be able to insert the Relic NFTs from other runs on other planets. This provides a chance for you to take what you’ve built up elsewhere and apply it to the new worlds you’ve been carefully nurturing.
Young planets will have only one relic slots, while older planets will have more. But what about those planets newly formed? What if you want to insert tons of Relics but you don’t have enough slots? In this case you can consider Chronomerging: taking another planet and sacrificing it, drastically speeding up the aging process of the first planet and therefore opening up more slots!
So, to sum up: each Planet is a unique NFT with its own elemental distribution, traits, and Avatar class, all of which can be modified through slowly breeding new worlds by way of Celestial Conjunctions. By making the perfect world, you’ll super-charge your Avatar and be able to take on the most challenging PvE dungeons, or climb to the top of the Galactic Arena ladder. And along the way, if you decide you’re finished with one of your planets and no longer need it: well, just sell it on the Apeiron marketplace. You’re always in control.
As we consider the future of Planets, we will work hard to coordinate with other brands for full metaverse integration, allowing assets from other games to be used as skins for Planets, Avatars, and the Doods who occupy each world. Eventually we hope that that integration will go beyond mere cosmetic into actual gameplay, where players will be able to actually use unique skills taken from cooperative brands. The Apeiron universe is only the beginning…
That’s all for now. Stay in touch with the Apeiron team by following us on Twitter as we continue to develop the first blockchain-based PC god game.