The Apeiron Dungeon Demo FAQ

Published in
9 min readDec 22, 2022

Hey there! We have some juicy details to share with you today: we’re going to review everything you need to know about our upcoming gameplay demo, including how to get in, how to play, and what kind of prizes we have up for grabs!

This blog will be split as follows: the first section will cover the Pre-release version happening this Christmas. Then we’ll talk a little bit in the second section about gameplay you can expect and how to play. Finally, the third section will address the public release, which will happen roughly a month from the date of this post, earlier or later depending on what kind of feedback we get from prerelease.

There’s a lot to dig into, so no messing about — let’s get down to it.


Q: How do I get into the prerelease?

You need to own a Primeval Planet and then go to Discord to the #alpha-spec-ops channel to fill out a form. This will serve as your application to the prerelease. We’ll then check your Primeval Planet and whitelist your IP address so you can access our Marketplace Alpha website. You’ll receive an email this weekend, which contains the demo itself and instructions on how to make an account on the Marketplace Alpha website — even if you already have an official Marketplace account. Once you have your Marketplace Alpha account and linked your email address, you’re good to go.

Q: I received the email but I can’t access Marketplace Alpha! What should I do? Message LoreKeeper on Discord a million times?

PLEASE BE PATIENT. You can open a support ticket on Discord or contact LoreKeeper directly should you run into problems.

Q: I use a VPN or do not have a static IP, what should I do?

We will process these applications separately and will provide a temporary account for access, but this process will take longer, again, please be patient.

Q: Ok I’ve signed up on Alpha and am ready to go! What now?

Download the Demo from the email and use your email and password login from the Alpha Marketplace to log in! Each prerelease account have 3 hours of game time (deducted within battles only), lets see if you can conquer the dungeon within this time frame!

Q: Oh hey look at that, I got it! Can I stream it?

Yes! Go for it. Share it to your heart’s content.

Q: Cool, I downloaded it. This is singleplayer, right? Why do I need an internet connection to play?

Please note that since we require login to your Marketplace Alpha account in order to play, you’ll need to have an internet connection to access the demo.

Q: What if I have something else to do and need to close the game — will I lose my time or my progress?

Nope! All progress is saved server-side. You can close the game, go about your business, and come back to pick up right where you left off.

Q: Can I pause it and run to the bathroom if I need to?

Of course! The pause button is in the upper right hand corner.

Starting the Game and Objectives

Q: How do I start the game once I’ve set up everything?

First, you’ll select your Avatar — at first, only the Tempest Wisdom Avatar will be available, although we plan to add the other Tempest Avatar classes later. Then, after you’ve chosen your Avatar, you’ll enter the first of the Dungeon Depths. There are three Depths total, and you’ll need to clear all three Depths to finish the demo.

Q: …what happens if I die before reaching the end?

You’ll be forced to restart from the beginning of the Depth you died in. So if you died in the middle of Depth 2, back to the start of Depth 2. All dead Apostles will be revived, Avatar level up progress, items, and money will be retained, so you don’t need to worry about that.

Q: …is it very hard to reach the end?

Depth 1 is quite manageable. Depth 2 and 3 the difficulty ramps up. Don’t be surprised if you need multiple attempts to clear the lower depths! Don’t worry, clearing the Demo with 1 life is absolutely achievable, for the skillful :P

Q: AHH! I FOUND A BUG! (I think). What should I do?

Since this is an early build, you may encounter a bug. DO NOT SPAM DISCORD CHAT. As we finish with our build rollouts, we’ll put together a form for you to fill in with suggestions, feedback, and bug reports. Also, if you ever get stuck with a bug and are not sure what to do — just restart the game. Your progress will be saved, so don’t worry.

Playing the Demo

Q: Alright I think I’m ready to play now. How do I do that?

Once you’ve chosen a Depth to try, you’ll be presented with a choice of several rooms to enter. There are different kinds of rooms: battles, elite battles, campfires, and shops. Each room connects to more rooms. Go through all the rooms in a Depth and you’ve cleared it! Along the way, dood Apostles will join your Avatar’s party, adding their strength to yours. You’ll also be able to level up your Avatar, getting more skills and also powerful passive abilities to improve your combat effectiveness.

Q: How does combat work?

We have a number of articles on that (I, II, and III), but if you want the quick version: battles are fought in real time. You have a deck of skill cards that you draw from during battle. Use your skills to defeat all enemies! You’ll directly control the movement and attacks of your Avatar during the battle. The Apostles who join you will add their unique skill cards to your skill deck for your use, and move and attack on their own.

Q: How do I use the skill cards?

In terms of how to control everything, don’t worry — there’ll be an in-game tutorial to walk you through how to maneuver around the battlefield and use your skills.

Q: What kind of challenges are there in the dungeon?

There are normal battle routes and elite battle routes, the normal route nets you less currency but is relatively manageable. The elite battle route contain unique and sadistic challenges, with more rewards of course, enter at your own peril. At the very end of depth 2 and 3, there’s a particularly large creature. He’s a tough nut to crack!

Q: Yikes! Any tips or tricks for new players? Any insider info on how to succeed?

LK — “Remember to visit the talent tree every now and then to allocate new skill points or to switch to new skills. You can also read up on your Apostle skills here, which is great for strategic battle planning.”

LS — “Skills are designed to be used in combination. The Warrior’s Leap Strike deals double damage to stunned targets…so find an Apostle to stun first and then get the bonus effect. I would recommend using at least four different Apostles to get the full gameplay experience!”

LM — “I like to use 2 Guardians and 2 Priests with Avatar attacking, or 3 Rogues and a Priest with Avatar for buffing and controlling.”

J — “Different people will use their Avatar in different ways. Pick Apostles that match your preferred playstyle!”

Public Release

Q: How do I get into the demo?

You’re going to need a Lunisolar Battle Pass. Battle Passes are forged from two unique NFTs: the Lunar Fragment and the Solar Fragment. Both the Lunar and Solar Fragments can be purchased on Opensea, but some of our events on Discord offer Lunar Fragments as rewards so do look out for those too!

Q: I’ve heard this is a NFT game where you need a Planet NFT to play. Do I need to own a Planet in order to play the demo?

Nope! For the public release of the demo, you just need to have the Solar and Lunar Fragments.

Q: Ok so I have both Solar and Lunar Fragments. What do I do now?

Once you have both fragments, you can forge your own Lunisolar Battle Pass. To do that, it’s as simple as going to our Marketplace website, where you’ll find a dedicated demo page. Go to that page, click the button to make your Battle Pass, and then you’ll be given access to download the game.

Q: Cool, I downloaded it. How long can I play for?

After you’ve downloaded the game, you’ll login using your official Apeiron Marketplace account, and then you’ll be given ONE HOUR of playtime. If you have any additional Battle Passes, you can extend your playtime by an hour for every Battle Pass you own. So if you have three Battle Passes, you can get three hours of playtime, etc. etc.

Q: Woah! What if I need to go to the bathroom? Does it count my time then?

Actually only the time spent on the battlefield counts against the clock. Time spent in the dungeon menus looking at skills and items doesn’t count.

Q: What if I have something else to do and need to close the game — will I lose my time or my progress?

Nope! All progress is saved server-side. You can close the game, go about your business, and come back to pick up right where you left off.

Q: Cool, I got it! I’m going to beat it easily hahaha. If I beat the whole demo, what kind of prizes can I win?

The demo launch is a big step for us — the first time our gameplay goes live to the public — so we’re going to have all sorts of prizes available to win!

First, for completion — which means clearing all Depths and beating the final boss — players can win Animus, which is a non-tradeable version of our play-to-earn token Anima. The Animus will serve a variety of functions in game — including breeding planets, making relics, and chronomerging — and will give you an important boost for at the time of full game launch.

We’ll also have leaderboards for speed of clearing: chart toppers will be able to win fabulous prizes including rare Primeval Planets, and even rare Stars.

Then, there will be Feedback Bounties on our Discord, giving out rewards for providing feedback on the demo. Rewards may include Foonie Emblems, USDC, and Souls.

Finally, there will be some quests on social media for sharing and spreading the word on our demo.

Q: Now that I’ve beaten the demo and collected my rewards, will my progress be saved?

Your rewards will carry over to the full launch, while your progress will not.

Q: Neat! Ok I think that covers everything Mr. FAQ person. Thanks bunches!

You’re very welcome!

That concludes this FAQ. We’re as excited as you are about the demo coming out — we can’t wait to hear what you think. So come and talk to us about your experiences! Head on over to our Twitter, Telegram, and/or Discord — you simply have to come to our Discord — and chat with us about your demo experiences and your hottest OP strats.

And as always, thanks for reading, godlings. We’ll see you next time.

About Apeiron

Apeiron is the world’s first NFT-based play-and-earn godgame. Apeiron will feature a unique card-based action-adventure combat system combined with god game simulation gameplay inspired by classic god games like Populous and Black & White. Players will be able to build up planets from above before descending to the ground as a powerful Avatar to solve the mysteries of the universe. Players will grow their planet to the point of developmental stagnation, then reset the planetary cycle via an Armageddon event to allow for even more advancement and thrilling late-game alliance level GvE and GvG activities. Apeiron will use a tri-token architecture, which means that there will be three separate tokens to navigate their ecosystem: a governance token, a play-to-earn token, and a premium alliance token.

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Foonie Magus is a team of veteran developers brought together by passion, enthusiasm and experience to take on the ultimate Blockchain Game.