Treasure Hunting: Announcing Relic Expeditions

Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2024

Hello doods! Today we’re going to an expedition far, far away, one that you can gain really precious rewards from…it’s RELICS! Relic NFTs have been long announced, and now they’re coming! In our new expedition, you can earn Relics to enhance your Planet breeding endeavors. In today’s article, we’re going to tell you how to participate in the new relic expedition, so that you can get your hands on them.

We’re also going to announce today some info about the Anima Airdrop happening soon. Check if you’re an eligible recipient at the end of this article.

Before we delve in, a quick reminder that the Open Beta PvP Leaderboard 2 has been extended for TWO more weeks! New end date is on May 10, 2024 10:00AM UTC. Only Platinum rank players will be eligible for leaderboard rewards!! A last Hurrah! 😤 🏃

Without further ado, let’s go on to the expedition!🔥

New Relic Expedition: Universal Expansion

Expeditions in Apeiron are special staking events. Previously, we’ve released a blogpost here which goes through the Nebula Expedition details, and in this separate article, you’ll find a step by step guide for Expeditions in practice.

So what are Relics? 🧐

Relics are NFTs that can be attached to your Planet NFTs and power them up in various ways. There will be many kinds of Relics in the future — this is just the beginning. You can read more about Relics and their utilities here.

For this special Relic Expedition, the Relics released will be designed around the theme of “Universal Expansion” to enhance your Planet breeding! Here’s a sample Universal Expansion Relic NFT for you to get the idea:

Name: Eye of Cinders

Effect: Breed Count Increased for Inferno Planet

*The Universal Expansion Relic NFTs are currently under development and subject to change.

Although Relics will not be usable upon release, they will be tradable, which means that you may buy or sell Relic NFTs on our Marketplace. We expect the Universal Expansion Relics to be usable sometime after S3.

How do I participate in the expedition?

Starting from May 14th 2024 and continuing over the next three months, players will be able to stake their Planets, Apostles, and $APRS to earn Vapor. The expedition is divided into seven phases, with each phase lasting one week, followed by a one-week break before starting the next round. Each week will have different sets of Relics to earn.

In simple terms, the Relic Expedition will be one week on and one week off during the event period. But — even during the off weeks, if you don’t unstake your NFTs or $APRS, they’ll continue to produce Vapor that will carry over to the next week! Neat.

For this expedition, in terms of NFTs, players may stake up to six Planets and twelve (ERC721) Apostles. Naturally the longer you stake, the higher your Vapor gain, so make sure you stake as soon as the expedition launches.

The final Vapor calculation for your staked NFTs is the sum of Planet Vapor and Apostle Vapor. For Planets, the calculation first depends on your Planet type and its age. Exordium is another factor that will increase your Vapor gain. For Apostles, Vapor gain is determined by whether or not they are Origin Apostles, and their IV level.

Additionally, now that we have successfully launched our ecosystem token Apeiros ($APRS), players may also stake $APRS during the expedition to increase their Vapor gain. The ratio of $APRS to Vapor gain is 3:1 (e.g. so for every 3 $APRS staked, you will get 1 Vapor), which is a much higher ratio when compared to previous expeditions! There is no limit to the amount of $APRS users can stake.

After each week of the expedition has completed, the amount of Vapor you gained will determine how many rewards you might get. The more Vapor you’ve accrued, the more potential rewards! Make sure you’re staking your most valuable NFTs! 😉

Please note that $RON staking is not supported for this expedition.

The Relic Expedition will go live HERE on May 14th.

Anima Airdrop Points Distribution Info

Anima ($ANIMA) is our win-to-earn and player incentive token. It’s going to be launching alongside our upcoming S3 release. In the meantime, remember all the $ANIMA Airdrop points that you doods have worked hard at gathering? Well, our community team is finalizing the list of players who will receive these points.

Quick reminder that the $ANIMA from these points will be battlevested, which means that when Season 3 of Apeiron is released, players will have to play games to unlock them. More details here.

Here’s the current and updated list of eligible recipients. Check it out and you’ll be able to see how much $ANIMA you’ll have battlevested come S3.

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Alright, doods, that’s a wrap on another Apeiron update! We’re buzzing this month, lots of events happening soon. Remember to stay tuned as we continue to level up. Keep grinding, keep doodling, and stay epic, my doods! 🚀🎮💥 Don’t forget to follow our Twitter and Discord for the most updated information!

And as always, thanks for reading. See ya next time, godlings!

About Apeiron

Apeiron is the world’s first god game x roguelite x battle arena. Rule over planets full of adorable doods, dive into dangerous dungeons, and battle against other players using powerful Avatars. As a newborn god, will you walk the path of good…or evil? Determine the fate of the godiverse in this epic new adventure. Download and play now for free on the Epic Games Store.

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