The ROY and BIV societies

Greg Orme
Published in
4 min readDec 4, 2021


This is a reprint of an earlier story. It was moved to the Aperiomics publication to keep these posts in order.

In Aperiomics there are two kinds of society, the Biv society is where there is material abundance. This evolved by having wealth through agriculture, it became more profitable to adapt to a farmer’s lifestyle. This changed how people acted, just as animals that live off plants change.

In a rainforest for example most animals eat plants, they are dependent on what the plants want them to eat. Flowers can produce pollen to attract some insects, in exchange for this food the animals spread the genetic material of the plants to help them spread and diversify.

With fruit and grains food is also provided by the Biv plants, the seeds are spread and in exchange animals get food. If they eat too much the plant becomes progressively bitter, often the seeds contain poisons like cyanide to nudge the animals into a desired behavior. When the animals die they become fertilizer for the plants, this continues the BIV ecosystem.

In Aperiomics the modern lifestyle evolved from the logic of plant growth and reproduction. This is not just to serve plants, this mathematical logic also helps the BIV society to function smoothly. For example roads can join together like roots and branches of a tree, most file systems in computers also use roots and branches.

The production of goods evolved with assembly lines, these mimic the roots of a tree where different minerals and parts are joined together to form new marketable products. This is called the Bi-B or Blue Indigo-Blue system. Workers can look for minerals and parts to feed into the BIV system much like the roots of a tree do.

The V-iV part of the system is represented by the branches, fruits and flowers of plants. Here the most talented parts of society form specialties or branches such as different specialists in medicine, engineering, and other fields of science. They take the basic goods produced by society’s root system of Bi-B, by adding value to these with their branch of specialization they can resell them to the Bi-B worker system for a profit.

The market works through the I trunk of the tree, this is where the specialists put their expertise together into more complete goods, they can be traded for the goods produced by the Bi-B workers. Individual specialists can also negotiate for more basic goods from workers, for example doctors might be paid with livestock or food in some areas.

The BIV system works efficiently when there is an abundance of resources, but it works less well when there are scarce resources or they are damaged by the Roy predator-prey animal system. This is why democracy doesn’t transplant well to poorer countries. In Aperiomics this is like trying to transfer the system of a rainforest to a desert or savannah.

The plants in these areas are constantly under attack by the Roy animals, plants are uprooted and destroyed in droughts and take a long time to regrow. In Aperiomics this is like trying to establish a market economy in a poor country, this increases crime and corruption as the efficient BIV system is looted and destroyed.

BIV societies can pour money into ROY societies with aid and investment, often this fails because it only creates small BIV areas of prosperity. These are like creating small rainforests in a savannah, they attract Ro-R prey animals to overeat them. This is like distributing aid to Ro-R poor people who are being preyed on, without a functioning BIV system this cannot form a sustainable system.

The Y-oY are the predator animals in a Roy dominant ecosystem, examples are lions, tigers, jackals, hyenas, etc. They survive by preying on the Ro-R prey. In a Roy dominant society the Y-oY predator class can be a military junta or dictatorship. They survive by defending their territories from other predators, much like lions do.

This gives them the opportunity to feed off the Ro-R poorer people as prey. When they receive aid much of this is looted, this is like prey animals feeding on and destroying a forest. Then the Y-oY predator class accumulates wealth which also supports their cronies, this is like apex predators feeding off a kill and then hyenas or vultures taking some of what remains.

The plants receive wealth back from this cycle of predator and prey, the Y-oY predator class sends money back to BIV societies with money laundering and buying properties there. This money in the banks is recycled into more aid, that is like plants receiving nutrients from dead predators and prey alike, then recycling that into more plants to continue the plant-animal cycle.

In Aperiomics, understanding this cycle is important to see what can be done to help poorer countries. If not, then this help becomes part of their plant-animal cycle. When the Biv societies tire of giving this aid, analogous to a forest giving up on extending itself into a savannah, then the Roy system grows with more looting and the aid is wasted.

After a time the poorer Roy dominant areas can stabilize, this makes it appear as if aid might work in this calmer and less war-torn situation. The forest extends itself into the savannah with some initial gains. This is because the animals have not evolved again to depend on the forest and overeat it.

With the renewed aid and development the Biv system appears to be succeeding this time. As the Ro-R poorer people become wealthier this causes the Y-oY predator class to grow and loot them again. This is like prey animals growing in numbers, and then predators also increase to feed on them. This cycle causes the aid to be corrupted and looted again, often with the same outcome of withdrawal and collapse as before.



Greg Orme

This page is about a theory I developed over 30 years, called Aperiomics. It has 12 colors representing mathematical relationships.