Toyota AI Ventures and Airbus Ventures invest into Apex.AI

Jan Becker
Published in
1 min readFeb 6, 2019

Dejan and I founded Apex.AI on the premise of developing technology that we can launch into mobility products within 3 years. Hence, we decided to develop building blocks rather than a full stack and started by building an automotive-grade framework compatible with ROS as the solid foundation for all of our future work. Apex.OS is aiming initially at the automotive market, but it is application-agnostic so it can be used in any autonomous system — from industrial robotics to aerospace vehicles. Next is an open ecosystem on top of Apex.OS. We also started partnering with industry very early in our development process to make sure we are developing an in-demand product.

Today, we are happy to announce that Toyota AI Ventures and Airbus Ventures have invested in Apex.AI in addition to our outstanding group of investors including Canaan and Lightspeed. This investment is evidence of both the industry relevance of Apex.OS as well as its broad applicability from automotive to aerospace.

Stay tuned for more.

