Calling for Beta Testers

Apex Launcher
Apex Launcher
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2017

We’re launching updates to Apex Launcher in a few days. But before we release new updates to millions of Apex Launcher users, we hope to get your feedback. This is an open call to anyone who wants to test and try Apex Launcher Beta.

Here’s what to expect after joining the beta program:

  • The beta version will replace the stable version on your device(s), and you will receive test versions through app updates directly from Google Play.
  • Features in the beta version may be under active development. Beta versions might be unstable and buggy.
  • You can leave the beta program at any time. Just follow this link and then click Leave the program.

Here are the instructions on how to get in the beta:

  1. Join Apex Launcher Beta Google+ Community : You must be a member of this group to get beta updates. Make sure that you use the same Google account you use for Google Play.
  2. Become a Tester: Visit this link and click Become a Tester to opt in for beta updates.
  3. Install Apex Launcher: Download Apex Launcher from Google Play to update to the latest beta version. You could also download latest beta APK here . You should now be able to update Apex Launcher to the beta version.

At last, please post your feedback in our Google+ Community with the tag #BetaTest#

Finally, a few things to note:

  • Before starting step 2, be sure to join this Google+ community using the same Google account that you use for Google Play.
  • If you cannot get the beta version update, try restarting your mobile device. If it still does not work, try uninstalling and then re-installing the latest version from Google Play. You may want to make a backup from the Apex settings before doing so.
  • If you would like to return to the stable version, open this page and click the Leave the program link. After leaving the test, you need to uninstall the test version and re-install the stable version from Google Play.

Thank you for testing Apex Launcher Beta!

Apex Launcher Team

