APEX Technologies ranked Top 10 Outstanding Vehicle Big Data Service Providers 2018

APEX Network
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2018

On November 28th, the “2018 Future Mobility Innovation Conference” was hosted by Autopros in Shanghai. The conference unveiled the “Autopros Nominees” for the industry technology product innovation ranking. Based on the performance of auto customer data analysis, personalized marketing and refined operation in recent years, APEX Technologies was successfully selected as “Top 10 Outstanding Vehicle Big Data Service Provider of the Year 2018”.

Technology-led changes are spreading in the automotive industry, and competition among car companies will become more intense. New technologies of all kinds of cars have entered mass production, completely changing the overall layout of the industry. Traditional car companies will face a double test from the industrial chain side and the consumer side — how will they optimize the B2C customer life cycle? This became a hot topic of discussion at the “2018 Future Mobility Innovation Conference”. The challenge also means opportunities. On the consumer side, the development of technology allows car companies and users to have a large number of links, from which they can obtain a large amount of first-hand user data. The big hurdle remains getting real-time consumer behavior from this data, helping marketeers make more effective decisions and becoming the catalyst of industry change.

In response to the current state of the industry, APEX Technologies provides car companies with closed-loop customer data solutions; i.e. data collection, data analysis, data application and feedback. Overall, the automotive industry’s data base is weak, and APEX Technologies can help car companies collect, integrate and use customer behavior data. Moreover, APEX Technologies can help them connect with third-party data and improve their customer profiles. Through customer data association, labeling, model creation and data calculation, APEX Technologies applies data to customer adoption, customer loyalty, customer conversion rates and customer retention to help companies achieve comprehensive customer experience upgrades, intelligence and analytics. Taking Maserati as an example, APEX Technologies scores each customer according to a self-developed marketing model which differs depending on the car line, the marketing segment and the corresponding marketing strategy. This process has shown to greatly improve its customer conversion rate by discovering trends and patterns in how consumers behave.

APEX Technologies said that technological developments such as car networking and smart travel stand to generate more customer data. Data interaction between car companies and customers doesn’t end with the sale — data management can be provided for the entire customer life cycle, post-sale as well as pre-sale. The problems that car companies, as well as the rest of the automotive industry, are currently facing in terms of data management demand new and innovative solutions along with improving on the ones they implement today.



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