#DiscoverAPEX Stage 1 — Medium Campaign Results

APEX Network
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2018

Dear APEXIANS! During the last two weeks, we’ve had dozens of contributions to Stage 1 of our #DiscoverAPEX bounty program. We are overwhelmed and humbled by the community response to Stage 1 and the growth it has brought us. Stage 1 consisted of three parts; a retweet competition, a Twitter impact competition and a Medium competition.

Here we see a courageous APEXIAN hunting for bounties

Since our Medium campaign has asked the most from our APEX bounty hunters, we consider it only fair that those be reviewed first. We have taken into consideration the impact of the articles submitted and the overall quality of the content provided. Going through the submissions we are happy to say that we clearly have some extremely knowledgeable wordsmiths among us — the extent of knowledge shown by some of the authors truly impressed us!

After due consideration, we are happy to present you with rankings for the Stage 1 Medium Campaign:

The Results

We would like to congratulate all winners, as well as thank every single contributor for spreading the word about or project and helping us grow our community together.

We will perform the random draw for the retweet part of the Twitter Campaign tomorrow and announce the results here. The impact part of the Twitter Campaign is currently under meticulous review to ensure we reward the contributors that have truly achieved impact instead of resorting to manipulations.

Stay tuned for more updates,




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