KRATOS One — Wave 2 Details Released

APEX Network
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2018

Dear APEX Community,

The details of the second wave of our KRATOS One special node program have finally arrived.


* Exact date variable and depends on the project

Instructions and Rules

  • The snapshot for the 2nd wave of KRATOS One has been taken (August 26th 09:30am UTC).
  • One week later from August 26th, there will be a reward claim functionality within the newest release of APEX Wallet, which the participant needs to use/activate to qualify for the reward(s). There also needs to be at least 100 CPX stored within the user’s APEX Wallet to qualify.
  • To qualify for UCN (Uchain) and ATLS (ATLAS), the participant must 1) join the project’s Telegram community 2) Follow the respective Twitter accounts 3) signup for mailing list (automatic via APEX Wallet reward claim functionality)
    Atlas Twitter and Telegram
    Uchain Twitter and Telegram
  • Rewards will be released according to the schedule above
  • Note: For the snapshot, CPX does not need to be stored in the APEX Wallet. As previously stated the current version of the APEX Wallet is secure, but we recommend that people test and use it with smaller amounts of CPX and NEP-5 assets.
  • Do note that you will only be able to retrieve the airdropped tokens if your CPX are stored on a NEP-5 supporting wallet to which you personally own the private keys. Do not keep your CPX on exchanges as they are not obliged to grant you the airdropped tokens.

Thank you for your support

APEX Network



APEX Network

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