5 basic needs of every human being

Based on Glaser’s theory

Parviz Haqshanas
Apex Perspectives
2 min readJun 3, 2024


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1. The need for survival

The desire to survive in all people is an eternal and permanent feeling; the desire to provide security, water and food, health, sleep, and sexual needs are among the manifestations of this need. All human beings are interested in experiencing safety and security within the correct framework of their lives. Therefore, the threat of security and interests is unpleasant for every person. The need for survival is not just about survival. Imagine a rich person who always spends in the present for fear of losing his savings. So this person needs more survival than other people.

2. The need for love and a sense of belonging

The desire of humans to express and receive love in relation to others, membership in groups, and closeness and interaction with others is one of their basic needs.

3. Need for power

The desire of all human beings for a sense of superiority over other people, to overtake others, to progress in the path of life, to feel mastery, control, and respect is considered a need for power.

4. The need for freedom

Social life so that he can continue his life as he likes without the interference of others. People’s desire for creative thinking, diversity, personal privacy, and having the right to choose and escape from monotony are included in this category.

5. The need for entertainment

All human beings have the desire to have sweet and enjoyable moments from which they receive positive energy. The need to have fun is one of the basic needs for a good and pleasant life.



Parviz Haqshanas
Apex Perspectives

Passionate writer sharing stories from various topics and my experiences and enthusiastic in reading.