The Science of Happiness: 10 Secrets to Living a Fulfilling Life

Parviz Haqshanas
Apex Perspectives
Published in
5 min readMay 27, 2024
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In this article, I am going to discuss some of the most crucial tips and secrets to a fulfilling and happy life. I hope it can be useful for you :)

1. Do not Hate Anyone

Spreading hatred is like a poison that you drink and also want the other person to suffer. It has nothing to do with other individuals; instead, it consumes your happiness and peace. Try to be forgiving and spread your knowledge, which can free you from negative thoughts and help your emotional well-being.

2. Do not Compare Yourself to Others

Comparing yourself to others is a completely wrong idea and can be a reason for dissatisfaction and great setbacks. You should keep in mind that everyone’s journey is unique, so instead of comparing yourself to others, try to improve your skills and celebrate your achievements.

3. Do not Worry About the Past or Future

Worrying about past mistakes, situations, and future uncertainties is the best way to distract you from the present and make you a big loser. It just makes you more anxious and stressed. Stay in the present, learn from your mistakes and other people’s mistakes in the past, and prepare yourself for the future.

4. Do not Expect to Get What You Give

Give others without expecting anything in return; this selfless manner will help you have more satisfaction and fewer disappointments in your life.

5. Never Complain About Your Difficulties

By complaining about your life, you focus on the negative side of your life, which is not helpful but can cause extra problems for you. Instead, look for solutions and try to see challenges as an opportunity to be successful.

6. Cherish Relationships

Try to surround your life with people that you love, like friends and family members. Supportive relationships are the key to emotional well-being.

7. Learn from Others’ and Your Mistakes

One of the keys to having a more fulfilling life is to learn from your mistakes. people with a high possibility of being successful, but real successful people learn from others’ mistakes and try not to repeat them.

8. Follow Your Passions

Try to do things that make you happy, and do not be a digital zombie (mobile phone, computer, games, addict). Try to be satisfied with natural hobbies and games such as playing soccer with friends and spending some quality time with your family.

Moreover, when you choose a long-term goal, for example, if you want to have a job and make a living, try to choose a future job that is suitable for you both emotionally and logically, and try to work hard in that field even if you are not in the mood.

9. Practice Gratitude

Being thankful for what you have is not only a way that can be helpful for your overall emotional well-being and happiness but also a way to find more peace and be more successful. So, always, in every situation, try to do your best, be thankful for what you have, and write it down on paper, even in the worst moments of your life.

10. Take Care of Your Health

By doing very simple things you can do to maintain great health both mentally and physically, such as getting enough sleep, doing exercise regularly (it can be light exercise), managing your stress through meditation, and being positive, you can improve your happiness and well-being.

11. Be Open to Learning

Always be curious and try to look for answers to the questions in your mind, and try at least 4–8 pages of a book every day. Reading every day and learning a new skill every day is great exercise for your brain. It helps you be more open-minded and improves your mind in a great way, such as enhanced memory and a better understanding of how things work.

12. Save and Invest Wisely

You should save money and spend it only when you need it; this will help you in situations where you need money. For example, if you want to buy a useful item, you should buy it immediately because it will be sold. In this case, you know that you have saved money, so you take that money and sell that important item. Now you do not worry if the item is sold or not, or if you want to run a business yourself; the money that you saved can help you in your business.

13. Practice Empathy and Kindness

By showing more empathy and understanding and trying to notice and help others, I will guarantee that you will have more positive and stronger relationships and will have better results when talking to other individuals.

14. Embrace Change

Accept the change, because it is a natural part of life and happens to everyone. If you try to accept the change and adapt yourself to the situation, it will be easier for you and it will be so simple, but if you complain and be pessimistic about the change, it will be harder and it will be harder for you to get the proper results, as there is a famous principle and quote they say: “If you fear something, it will come to you.”

15. Live in the Present

Always focus on your present and do not worry about your past or future; instead, try to learn from your past, work hard and focus on your work and ideas, and plan and prepare for the future.



Parviz Haqshanas
Apex Perspectives

Passionate writer sharing stories from various topics and my experiences and enthusiastic in reading.