What are The Secrets of Successfull Individuals

In this article, I am going to reveal some practical tips and secrets of successful people, which are my experiences from my life and the successful people that I met in real life.

Parviz Haqshanas
Apex Perspectives
2 min readMay 13, 2024


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Please read this article with patience, passion, and wisdom, because it can positively impact your life, as it helped me become successful in most of the things in my life.

1They don’t consider money their main goal, but consider it as a tool in order achieve success.

2Successful people are not afraid of rejection.

3 They work harder than ever.

4 They consider failure as a factor for progress.

5 They are patient because they know success is coming.

6 When they reach a dead end, they change their course.

7 They know their strengths and improve their weaknesses.

8 They live right and help others as much as they can.



Parviz Haqshanas
Apex Perspectives

Passionate writer sharing stories from various topics and my experiences and enthusiastic in reading.