Apex Process Consultants awarded Inc Magazine Best Places to Work award.

Apex BPM
Apex Process Consultants Blog
3 min readJul 24, 2018

This program measures a wide range of research-validated workplace factors that impact employee engagement and satisfaction. Best Places to Work foster a workplace where employees willingly go above and beyond in their work, advocate for the organization and intend to stay into the future.

Apex has 23 employees. All 23 took the survey. And Apex scored 96.55 out of 100. There were many factors that went into the survey. Our employees were asked a wide range of questions, and the answers are anonymous. Here are some of our favorite answers -

“Our company’s employees genuinely care about one another and about each other’s success. There’s a lack of politics at our company that is refreshing compared to some other companies I’ve worked for. The cooperation and knowledge-sharing at our company is the best at any organization at which I’ve worked. Each person’s strengths are effectively capitalized on and employees are encouraged to grow and learn.”

“I like the overall environment of our workplace. In particular I highly value the open and free exchange of information and dialog. This helps bring everyone closer to each other which results in forming highly functioning cohesive teams. Over years we have produced high quality work and have helped our customers solve major problems. I am extremely proud and fortunate to be part of this company.”

“I’ve been in IT work for over 20 years and have never worked with a more seasoned team of professionals. We work and act like a well-functioning family. We laugh, we encourage one another, and we’re a highly effective team of really skilled and intelligent professionals who could be executives in a big company but instead choose to stay technical and keep pushing our skills to new heights.”

“The transparency we have in the company is it’s biggest asset in my opinion. The knowledge and the great skill set we have here would drive/motivate me (anyone else [for] that matter) to learn new things every now and then. I think anyone who joins this organization will be very happy with the kind of atmosphere we have here. I would definitely recommend people to join this company.”

“Apex is a great place to work, Dave cares about his people and making sure they are all treated fairly. The companies transparency allows me to see what is going on with the business and understand the decisions the company makes. The people at the company are more like family than co-workers.”

Here is our companies culture cloud based on the survey answers-

Now I realize that this may seem like Apex propaganda, but here’s the thing: our employees could have said anything. We choose to send the Quantum survey out to our employees because of the anonymity. We don’t know who said what. Out of 23 people most described their work, work environment, and job as Fun. Do you know how rare that is? To work in any field and have so many people say they have fun where they work? Not even amusement park workers fare that well*, and Amuse is in the name!

One of my favorite quotes out of the whole survey is — “Apex Process Consultants is great to work [for]. Its a work hard, play hard place. Fun and exhilarating company, relentlessly focused on improving customers’ business and their process efficiencies.”

Apex has spent a lot of time cultivating a culture where everyone has a voice that can be heard. We have an annual meeting where we all come together from across the country, spend 2 days discussing the past and the future, what we like, what we want for the company in the upcoming months, where we think we’re falling behind, and how we can improve our marketing and branding.

We thrive on agility and process improvement and that extends to making our company a great place to work. We’re delighted that our employees and partners feel the same way. Our work environment, physically and technologically, is ever evolving, with input from our employees.

*statistics for this fact are hard to find, but upon my general query at various amusement parks, Apex’s satisfaction rate is higher.



Apex BPM
Apex Process Consultants Blog

Apex Process Consultants help companies of all sizes to implement digital business automation solutions. We deliver performance through agility.