What’s New in IBM BPM 8?

Apex BPM
Apex Process Consultants Blog
1 min readSep 19, 2012

September 19, 2012 — David Knapp
I started my BPM journey on Lombardi Teamworks 5.6 way back in 2006. Over the last six years, I have experienced the transition from 5 to 6 to 7 and now to 8. The Apex team has been very involved in IBM BPM 8. Several of us participated in the beta program, I partnered with John Reynolds to present the new BPM 8 Coach View Framework at Impact, and Jim Volpe lead the team that completed development on one of the first BPM 8 projects. Over the coming weeks, Apex team members will be sharing a series of blog posts detailing interesting new features in IBM BPM 8. Stay tuned and be sure to share your comments and questions.



Apex BPM
Apex Process Consultants Blog

Apex Process Consultants help companies of all sizes to implement digital business automation solutions. We deliver performance through agility.