Executing large buy or sell orders in the digital asset space is difficult. The problem is that liquidity in spot/derivative markets and across exchanges is hard to locate and due to the size of the market, large orders can adversely impact price stability.
The latest product from APEX:E3 enables you to find liquidity across the industry and suggests order allocations according to variables you set. These variables can include how fast you want the order to be filled, the impact on asset price, the price of the asset you are purchasing or minimising transaction fees.
APEX:E3 has built a big data analytics architecture which ingests and analyses data, distributing insights to users.
We have real-time aggregated orderbook data from over 20 Digital Asset exchanges (e.g. Binance, FTX, Coinbase, BitStamp, Kraken) which represents over 5000 markets. Performing this data aggregation and standardisation makes exchange and asset comparisons easy. Insights we already generate include arbitrage opportunities, whale orders and a global aggregated orderbook.
Having all the orderbooks aggregated in one place enables us to compare and locate liquidity in the orderbooks in real-time. Tracking the ask liquidity means we can see how much of an asset is available at that moment in time on that exchange. Combining this with other variables such as market price, imbalances and 24 hour volume enables APEX:E3 to generate optimal order processing strategies, optimising for whatever a client wants whether speed or price.
In the video example below, a corporate treasurer of a FTSE 100 company has been given the mandate to buy $2.5million of BTC. Using our liquidity locator product you can instantly find out where there is liquidity across the market and see what allocation of the total order should be allocated to each pool of liquidity. This would allow the instant settlement of a large BTC buy order.
The way this product works is the APEX:E3 API provides real-time data for all exchange and asset orderbooks. We then work out imbalances between the bid and asks and rank each exchange using our proprietary logic according to variables the user has set. Once the ranking is set, the algorithm allocates a proportion of the total assets available to each exchange according to the liquidity available.
We are excited to include data feeds from other areas of liquidity such as liquidity pools and decentralised exchanges. Our new APEX:E3 liquidity locator product is powered by our API. If you would be interested in building on our API or trying this product, please reach out to contactus@apexe3.com.