Privacy, publication and data policy

Jarkko Moilanen (PhD)
API Economy Hacklab
4 min readJul 17, 2018


In its research, API Economy Hacklab adheres to good scientific practice and the principles of open science and research when research data is made open and research results are published. Good scientific practice has been defined in the Responsible conduct of research and procedures for handling allegations of misconduct in Finland (RCR guidelines) issued by the Finnish Advisory Board for Research Integrity (2012).

Openness supports research and the development of the scientific community by

  • improving and safeguarding the quality of scientific knowledge
  • strengthening the reliability and transparency of research
  • increasing the opportunities for using scientific knowledge and scientific research methods in research, teaching and studying
  • enabling and enriching cooperation between researchers and by increasing the impact of science on society

Researchers at the API Economy Hacklab actively work as scientific experts in their fields and on their research topics and participate in the public debate.

Publishing research results in high-quality forums is regarded as a scientific merit for both the researcher and the Hacklab. Disseminating the research results widely and making them available free of charge (Open Access, OA) improves the Hacklab’s good reputation.

Producing reliable, high-quality research data is a researcher’s basic skill. Opening research data to others is a scientific merit for the researcher and may increase the number of references that cite his or her publications.

Many financiers specify that the projects they fund should open the research data gathered in the research project and encourage researchers to openly publish their research results.

Publication policy

The API Economy Hacklab promotes the dissemination of scientific knowledge among scientists and the whole society in both Finland and internationally.

The Hacklab’s researchers publish their research results in highly esteemed and high-quality peer-reviewed forums.

Scientific publications are made open whenever possible. Here, scientific publications mean articles in scientific journals, series, books and conference reports, monographs, Master’s and Licentiate’s theses, and doctoral dissertations.

Privacy and data policy

All surveys are conducted with help of LimeSurvey platform which is installed on UpCloud servers in Europe. Survey platform is managed by Jarkko Moilanen and he is the only one who has admin access to the service and data. All surveys in API Economy Hacklab are anonymised.

Researchers produce, store and open research data according to laws, other stipulations and guidelines, ethical principles and separate agreements.

Research data produced in publicly funded research is open unless there are justified reasons for making a written agreement stating otherwise. Public datasets are made open and easily accessible. The related expenses are taken into account in the research outline and the budget of the research.

The openness of research data does not eliminate the possibility of charging a fee for datasets that are separately formed from it.

As they are planning their research, researchers also formulate a data management plan, which includes a general description of the data and details the data gathering and management methods, storage during the study, anonymising the data, long-term storage or destruction of the data, opening the data for use by others, and publication.

The research data is stored and reported in a way that enables subsequent verification and reproducibility of the research. In order to enable its further use, the researcher produces sufficient metadata describing the research data.

The digital research data produced at the API Economy Hacklab is placed in long-term storage in Github service (under CC-BY-SA license).

Who is collecting the data?

Researcher(s) responsible for the study are collecting information for academic research purposes.

For surveys we use LimeSurvey tool. Data collected with surveys is stored in UpCloud servers in Europe. Surveys are always anonymized.

What data is being collected?

That depends. However, we have no need to collect personal information such as sexual orientation, gender, address, IP-address or such in our research. Each research plan identifies what information is collected.

What is the legal basis for processing the data?

By participating in surveys or other data collecting methods used in API Economy Hacklab research you are giving your consent:

  • to process and use your information in our research
  • publish raw open data (CC-BY-SA) datasets in public in Github for further use.

Will the data be shared with any third parties?

Yes, as it was mentioned above we share survey data for others to use via Github. All data is always anonymized.

How will the information be used?

Information collected with surveys and other data collection methods are used to conduct academic research. Results are published in various media such as social media, speeches, academic publications and dissertations.

How long will the data be stored for?

Data in Github is stored as long as Github exists and there’s opportunity to run the account as free version. Data is CC-BY-SA licensed.

Data in UpCloud servers is stored 3months after the survey ends. After that data from UpCloud server is erased by admins (Jarkko Moilanen).

What rights does the data subject have?

You have the right to access and utilize all information in API Economy Hackabl Github organization. CC-BY-SA license gives you freedoms and responsibilities to follow.

If you have doubts that information about you is false or should not be stored in UpCloud servers or in Github datasets, you can contact us and we’ll correct/remove the items if that is the case.

How can the data subject raise a complaint?

Contact API Economy Hacklab facilitator & Chief scientist Jarkko Moilanen (jarkko (at)



Jarkko Moilanen (PhD)
API Economy Hacklab

API, Data and Platform Economy professional. Author of "Deliver Value in the Data Economy" and "API Economy 101" books.