MaxSoft — API Health Checker

Real time health check dashboard for your backend services.


MaxSoft — API Health Checker


When we are working on a real project it is vital to have dashboard where we can find the availability of the backend services integrated with that project. This project can be used for that purpose.


  • Easy to find unavailable backend services
  • Real-time updating the services status in every “x” seconds (“x” can be configured. By default “x” is 30 seconds)
  • Easy to integrate services
  • Can maintain multiple environments
  • No need to worry about the CORS issue
  • Both Web and Mobile friendly UI
  • Free and open-source


Architecture of the API Health Checker Dashboard

API Health Checker Dashboard Vs Dynatrace Dashboard

API Health Checker Dashboard Vs Dynatrace Dashboard

How to use?



  1. Clone this project
  2. Open the project in VSCode
  3. Update the JSON files located in api-health-checker-dashboard/config with your Backend services’ health routes
  4. Save the changes
  5. Open a terminal from VSCode
  6. Execute npm install to install the node modules
  7. Execute npm run dev to start the node application
  8. Open the web application from http://localhost:5000


You can deploy this as a node application.

Sample API Health Checker Dashboard:



Osanda Deshan Nimalarathna
MaxSoft — API Health Checker

Founder of MaxSoft | RPA Solution Architect | Open-source Contributor | Automation Framework Developer | Technical Specialist