Asset Discovery and API Product Ideation

How to Create Innovative API Products Based on an Organization’s Data and Service Assets.

Amancio Bouza
API Product Management


You are familiar with APIs. But you never had the opportunity to think about API products because you had to deliver APIs on request. Or, you don’t have a complete overview of interesting data and service assets in your organization yet. Or, you are just starting with APIs but don’t know where to start exactly. Then, this workshop is for you.

In this workshop, you’ll create new idea for API products based on your organization’s data and service assets. That way, you don’t create ideas that are not feasible to implement.

In the following, we’ll first define what human-centered API design is. Then, we’ll briefly outline the agenda of the API Workshop II. Finally, we’ll deep dive into the single sessions, applied methods, and how to use them.

Human-Centered API Design

Organizations are increasingly investing into innovation to differentiate from competitors. Innovative organizations focus on users and their needs. And this is what human-centered design is all about: focus on users, their needs, and requirements.

Our goal is to make API products useful and usable to make them successful. Hence, human-centered API design is an appropriate approach. We define human-centered API design as follows:



Amancio Bouza
API Product Management

API & AI Enthusiast. Author of API Product Management. Public Speaker. Dot Connector. Intrapreneur.