How to use Google Sheets API

Matthias Biehl
Published in
1 min readMay 26, 2020


Learn to use the Google Sheets API. In this week’s episode, I show you hands-on how you can turn any Google Spreadsheet into a data store that is accessible via API.

Don’t miss any upcoming episode and subscribe to the API-University channel on youtube.

In the video, I show you how to use the worksheet as a step-by-step guide. It makes your life much easier because it guides you through the process, and helps you to get all the nitty-gritty details right. Without it, you would probably spend a lot of time reading the documentation or figuring it out by trial and error.

Get the Google Sheets API Worksheet, I will mail it to you. Just leave your address below.

Get the Worksheet

Learn about APIs in a more structured way, with step-by-step guides:

Originally published at API-University.



Matthias Biehl
API-University | @mattbiehl | API Integration Architect | Innovation Catalyst | Author and Advisor | #digitaltransformation | #innovation | #api