API3 Portal Ambassador Program

Jiyad Ahsan
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2021

About API3 and API3_Portal

API3 delivers traditional API services to smart-contract platforms in a decentralized and trust-minimized way, using first-party data providers regulated and governed by the API3 DAO.

API3_Portal aims to be a community subDAO for the API3 ecosystem. API3_Portal will engage the growing API3 community in allocating community resources, to grow the API3 ecosystem, and to take up community marketing and engagement initiatives.

The Ambassador Program

API3 community members have varying invaluable skill-sets; These skills, if organized around clear and well-defined community initiatives, can amplify the communication around the vision of API3. Ambassadors are community and thought leaders aligned with the vision of API3 and motivated to help bring it to fruition.

The Ambassadors will be involved with education campaigns and community engagement programs to amplify the API3 brand. The program will generate a rich stream of community-generated content aimed at simplifying the API3 ecosystem for the retail investor community.

Why Become an Ambassador?

  • Help build The Web3 API Economy.
  • Earn Rewards! NFTs, API3 and Portal tokens for completing specific tasks.
  • Be part of the extended API3 team! API3 is at its core a community initiative, as an ambassador, you too can be a part of the community-based API3 ecosystem.
  • Get a sneak peek! Participate in beta testing programs, discuss network updates, and give first-hand feedback to the core teams.
  • Bragging rights! Earn an exclusive Ambassador badge and a limited-tier NFT.

What is expected of an Ambassador?

Ambassadors can get involved in one or more of the following:

  • Amplify API3 and API3_Portal Announcements. Form community influencer teams and engage, share and amplify content around the API3 ecosystem.
  • Help organize and moderate social community groups. Help manage online communities in various languages
  • Create compelling content. As the API3 ecosystem grows, there will be an increasing need for blog posts, infographics, video content and other content. These will also need to be translated into a number of languages.
  • Promote the API3 ecosystem through meetups. Organize community meet-ups in your locality, invite potential API3 partners and create community engagement and education sessions around API3. Collaborate with local groups, foundations, startup incubators and university groups to co-host events. (These can be sponsored through sponsorship proposals on the API3_Portal DAO once it is live.)

Join the Ambassador Program!

Fill this form to apply: API3 Portal Ambassador Program

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