API3 Catalyzes Optimism’s Superchain Ecosystem with Developer-Focused Oracle Stack

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5 min readJun 3, 2024

Building and scaling a global, decentralized onchain financial system is one of the greatest challenges and opportunities of this century. API3 has been at the forefront of this movement, developing next-generation oracle solutions that lay the groundwork for scaling a cryptographically secure, verifiable onchain economy that maximizes value for all participants.

In the last few years, Layer 2 solutions like Optimism have transformed onchain finance by enabling faster and cheaper transactions while inheriting the underlying security of the base layer. These networks have chosen to optimize for the user experience and have significantly increased daily active users by focusing on speed and affordability.

Last year, Optimism expanded their vision for scaling Ethereum with the introduction of the Superchain thesis. The Superchain facilitates growth and adoption by allowing teams to build on the OP Stack and contribute to the OP Collective. This collaborative movement extends beyond giving communities new blockspace by having them also collaborate to pool revenue to fund public goods and open-source development to move global adoption forward.

Read the Optimism Superchain thesis

Oracles are indispensable core infrastructure within the Superchain ecosystem, providing the data and tooling necessary to scale new chains. API3 is set to catalyze the Superchain thesis with its developer-focused Oracle Stack. By simplifying data integration, API3 enables builders to rapidly deploy and scale applications to new chains, reducing technical barriers and allowing them to focus on building rather than working with infrastructure challenges.

API3’s Oracle Stack, including decentralized data feeds from the API3 Market, QRNG for generating truly random numbers onchain, and the OEV Network to recapture protocol MEV, are designed to meet the demands of Superchain builders for easy integration and scalability. The API3 Oracle Stack not only supports projects building within the Superchain ecosystem but also aligns with the values and goals of this ambitious vision for bringing the world onchain.

Data on demand, right out of the box

The OP Stack is the suite of software that powers Optimism mainnet and the expanding Optimism Superchain. Designed to foster a shared, high-quality, and fully open-source system, the OP Stack simplifies the creation of new Layer 2 blockchains to offer out-of-the-box solutions for deploying new networks.

API3’s Oracle Stack rapidly integrates with new chains within the Superchain ecosystem. This integration grants new chains immediate access to secure and decentralized data — vital for applications that require real-time data like lending protocols and perpetual exchanges.

This streamlining of oracle services to new networks is critical as it allows developers to quickly move from concept to production without the need for extensive code changes, managing their own infrastructure, or navigating complex business development plans. API3’s oracle architecture facilitates easy integration with the Superchain’s many partners, including Base, Worldcoin, Mode, Fraxtal, and more.

Base is a great example of the power of the Superchain ecosystem for supporting growth and adoption. Year-to-date Base has more than doubled its total active users to more than 9 million. Total value locked has also tripled since the beginning of the year, crossing over $1.7 billion. Exiled Racers is a project on Base using API3’s QRNG to generate random events for their onchain races.

API3 recently launched its Oracle Stack on Mode and Fraxtal. Mode has seen significant adoption in a short time, amassing over $500 million TVL with a strong DeFi ecosystem. Fraxtal, developed by Frax Finance, has also gained early support by prominent DeFi partners and is positioned to become a leading network for developing complex financial protocols, yield-bearing products, and innovative cryptoeconomic primitives that can attract deep liquidity.

API3 has also announced that they will be supporting World Chain at launch later this summer. World Chain seeks to leverage proof of personhood to offer verified users priority transactions and gas allowances. Protocols on World Chain will be able to utilize API3’s verifiable, decentralized data feeds which will be integrated with the OEV Network to enhance protocol performance.

Looking ahead, API3 plans to continue to support new chains in the growing Superchain ecosystem. This scaling strategy underscores API3’s commitment to ensuring widespread oracle infrastructure support for builders across the Superchain.

API3’s Role in Scaling Blockchain Infrastructure

Democratizing Data Access
The API3 Market’s data on demand model not only democratizes access to the data needed to power many DeFi protocols, but also facilitates the rapid scaling and adoption of these data feeds across new chains.

Simplifying Integration with EVM-Compatible Chains
API3’s EVM-compatible first-party oracle architecture and standardized dAPIs make it easy to scale horizontally to new chains, eliminating the bottlenecks experienced with third-party oracle models. With the rapid deployment of onchain data to new chains, API3 employs a vertical scaling strategy that enhances data accessibility on each network.

Cost-Effective Data Accessibility
Designed with a focus on cost-effectiveness, dAPIs allow developers to directly read onchain data without incurring extra fees, lowering the barriers to entry for new projects on the network. Since the implementation of EIP-4844, gas fees for bringing data onchain have been reduced by up to 99%.

Developer-focused API3 Market
The API3 Market acts as a go-to marketplace for onchain data, streamlining how developers browse, access, and manage data feeds. With a web2-like UX, the API3 Market not only minimizing operational hassles such as gas management and routine maintenance, but also allows developers to focus more on building and less on the underlying infrastructure.

Scaling the Superchain

The goal of creating a globally scalable and interoperable blockchain infrastructure is too big a task for any one project to tackle. The Superchain represents a collective movement, a super community of builders, innovators, and visionaries who are working together to build something that extends well beyond the aspirations of any one team. This superfamily highlights the collective energy and talent needed to drive innovation and adoption far beyond what could be achieved independently.

API3 and the Optimism Superchain ecosystem are working together to build the future of onchain finance, empowering builders to focus on making better banking, better commerce, and better lending solutions. The Superchain thesis is accelerating the adoption of all of these technologies, and inviting everyone to participate in building this vision for what crypto and this technology can do for the world.

API3 invites all projects within the Superchain ecosystem and those aspiring to join to reach out to us for a consultation with our Ecosystem team. By choosing to work together, we can all get there faster.

