API3 QRNG — Web3 Quantum Random Numbers

4 min readMay 3, 2022


API3 and the ANU Quantum Optics Group bring the first Quantum Random Numbers to blockchain, offering a truly random, secure, and free public random number utility to dApps and Web3

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May 3, 2022 — Today, we’re proud to announce that API3 QRNG, based on the ANU Quantum Numbers (AQN) API from the Australian National University (ANU) Quantum Optics Group, is now live, allowing smart contracts to access truly random (unpredictable) numbers that are highly secure and freely available. API3 QRNG is the first “true” random number generator for smart contracts, a more secure alternative to existing pseudo random number generators.

“Why bother with quantum?
Other random number generators are often pseudo-random which is to say they can be biased or may repeat at some point. This can lead to biases in things like simulations and data science. Additionally, if an application relies on a truly unbiased source of randomness this can introduce a weakness or security hole that could potentially be exploited. Quantum mechanics guarantees the numbers we provide are unbiased and the experiment is setup such that it runs automatically and requires no human intervention. Additionally, AQN is the fastest on-demand quantum service available.” —

Assured randomness plays a key role in the operations of major traditional industries, including sports and competitions, lottery operations, statistical sampling, and civil service selection, among other use cases. As organizations look to leverage the Web3 ecosystem, either by transferring operations onto the blockchain or innovating new offerings, it remains paramount that secure, tamper-proof random number generation is possible.

While many decentralized applications (dApps) currently rely on pseudo random computer algorithms to generate random numbers, or verifiable random functions which often require “premium” fees and are only pseudo random, API3 QRNG uses random numbers generated by measuring a quantum system to ultimately guarantee unpredictable randomness. Through API3’s first-party oracle system, where data providers bring information directly to the consumer without the interference of middlemen, API3 QRNG is also inherently unsusceptible to middleman attacks or collusion.

API3 QRNG is available on 13 blockchain platforms — significantly surpassing the accessibility offered by leading alternatives.

API3 QRNG is available now on: Arbitrum, Avalanche, BNB Chain, Ethereum, Fantom, Gnosis Chain, Metis, Milkomeda-Cardano, Moonbeam, Moonriver, Optimism, Polygon, and RSK.

To further expand accessibility for all developers and entities on the blockchain, API3 will not charge users to utilize API3 QRNG. Consumers will only pay the gas fees needed to call the API and receive a response, and will not face any additional premium payments for random number generation.

This low-cost, high-security solution will disrupt a number of current and future Web3 operations, such as:

  • Gaming: Metaverse, play-to-earn, and community-building games on the blockchain heavily rely on continuous random number generation to keep operations unpredictable and exciting for players. For multiplayer games that must produce random encounters or surprise events to increase difficulty, reliable and cost-effective random number generation plays a large role in success.
  • Gambling: For games of chance, where financial incentives serve as a reward for correct wagers, players will only partake if they trust developers are utilizing a tamper-proof generation to maintain fair odds.
  • NFTs and Generative Art: Randomly distributing assets comes to life in an artistic format when developing generative NFTs — resulting in a collection of dynamic digital assets developed through the organically unpredictable quantum process, compared to the manufactured nature of pseudorandom computer algorithms. For those working on numerous collections, turning to a free randomness generator unconstrains creativity.
  • Participatory Processes: Web3 applications that involve public participation, such as random token distribution or drawn winners, can leverage a random number generator to ensure a truly fair assignment process of high demand items without bias.

“A mission of API3 is to further accelerate the development of Web3. We’ve already made strides by forming the largest association of API providers in the decentralized ecosystem, and today we mark a new milestone by bringing the very first true random number generator — utilizing the gold standard of quantum random number generation — to blockchain applications,” said Heikki Vänttinen, co-founder of API3.

To learn more about API3 and how it is bringing quantum random number generation to the blockchain, visit api3.org/QRNG or go straight to the developer docs at docs.api3.org/QRNG.

About API3

The API3 Foundation is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) leading the movement from legacy third-party oracle networks to first-party oracle solutions that deliver more security, efficiency, and regulatory compliance. Powered by Airnode first-party oracles, API3’s Decentralized APIs (dAPIs) are decentrally controlled and blockchain-native data feeds with quantifiable security.

About The Australian National University

The Australian National University (ANU) was founded in 1946 to provide the nation with best-in-class research and education. The ANU Quantum Optics Group operates a source of quantum random numbers generated from the quantum vacuum fluctuations measured using balanced homodyne detection.

