API3 x Matic Hackathon Postponed

Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2020


We are sorry to inform our community and all the developers attending ETHIndia Online & EtherPunk 2021, that we are required to postpone our hackathon, previously scheduled to take place as a part of the EthPunk 2021 event, to a later date. The new date for the hackathon will be announced soon.

We are forced to take this action as we were informed that another oracle project, Chainlink, have bought exclusive rights to act as the sole oracle provider for the aforementioned events. This means that no other oracle services are allowed to host events, promote themselves or provide bounties as a part of the EtherPunk 2021 hackathon — a global online Ethereum hackathon bringing together thousands of developers, industry experts, advisors, mentors, and companies to innovate and build decentralized applications with the potential of mass adoption.

API3 x Matic Hackathon

Our hackathon with Matic was initially set to take place during EtherPunk 2021 and ETHIndia Online, between Jan 22nd to Feb 20th, showcasing the ease and benefits of using truly decentralized external data in dapps, but also helping Matic highlight the technical strengths of their solution. Data for the submissions was to be provided from two different Airnode-enabled APIs, covering crypto and traditional market data, commodities, and sports data.

Despite this small set-back introduced by an externality which was out of our control, the API3 + Matic hackathon will still take place, and will feature the same APIs and a great pool of prizes for winning submissions. We will be announcing the new date for the event as soon as possible.

On Exclusivity

As privately hosted events, ETHIndia Online and EthPunk 2021 have the right to sell exclusivity rights to their event and limit participation by anyone they wish. However, what we have found out in the course of our business development efforts, is that these monopolistic practices involving off-chain exclusivity agreements are not limited to events like hackathons, and even extend to some smart contract platforms’ rights to employ and/or promote oracle services competing with the interests of the party proposing such agreements, in return for financial compensation.

API3 remains a believer in a truly open, transparent and decentralized Web 3.0, the open source ethos and developers’ right to freely choose the best solution for their needs. Whether you are an API provider, dapp developer or a smart contract platform, we will never ask you to sign an exclusivity contract to use our solutions and will support all of our partners without requiring exclusivity. If you share our values, we would like to invite you to join us in building a more decentralized way to connect Web 3.0 with real world data and events.

