Digayu Vithanawasam — A Business IT undergraduate with a flair for music

APIIT Sri Lanka
APIIT Sri Lanka
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2017

Music has always played a major role in making the world seem a better place. Be it the classical pieces of the Mozarts and Beethovans or the contemporary music by the modern artists, it has always been a source of joy. To many people music has been a vessel of expression and to some it is almost magical.

“Ah, music,” he said, wiping his eyes. “A magic beyond all we do here!”

J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Digayu Vithanawasam is a musician. He’s an IT undergraduate and currently works at Aitken Spence Hotels. His passion for music began at a very young age. He started playing the guitar when he was 8 and grew to enjoy what music could bring to ones life. “It simply made me happy! When I’m nervous I listen to music and I feel confident to face anything. No matter how bad my day, good music makes it good!

Many of us feel the same way about music. But Digayu has taken it to the next level. He wants people to be able to experience the same joy music brings to him. So he plays music to enrich the lives of people. He’s a guitarist in the band Infinity and they’ve performed at many events to rock many an audience.

Digayu first realized that he could entertain an audience, when he played for his family and friends. Their response to his music and encouragement made him take his music to the next level. He was the secretary of the Ananda College Music Circle. A member of the school orchestra, he played at many school events such as Prashasthi and Rhythm of the Maroons.

Joining APIIT to pursue a degree in Applied Information Technology, Digayu followed through from his days in school. While focusing on his coursework, he still played his guitar at APIIT events such as Acoustic Night, and Christmas parties. Carols are a big deal at APIIT and he got the opportunity to both conduct and play for APIIT carols. His band won the award for best band at Tantalize 2013, the largest inter university talent show in the country, organized by APIIT. Following their success, Infinity was also invited to play at APIIT’s annual Colours & Awards Night.

While speaking to this young artist, I thought of asking him what the most special moment in his career in music was. His response made me understand how much he enjoyed using his talent to bring joy to others.

“We were playing at a concert and it started to rain really heavily. Quite the wet blanket that. But our music seemed to keep the crowds on their toes. Watching them dance non-stop despite the rain encouraged us to keep playing with much gusto. It was an exuberant feeling”

Working and studying while playing in a band requires tremendous amounts of discipline and time management. Digayu says that “Managing time is a bit of a challenge but having my priorities straight helps me do everything on time. Music has helped me get through tough times and provided me with amazing opportunities. I would be nothing without it. No matter what I do or where I am in life music will always be a part of me.”

Having said that he also went on to look back at his journey thus far and was ever so grateful to his parents for being supportive in everything he did. They played a huge role in his choice of education and his passion for music.

Digayu Vithanawasam is currently preparing to submit his dissertation for his Applied Information Technology Degree. Having worked in the hospitality industry while at Aitken Spence, Digayu has developed an interest in this area and hopes continue in this dynamic field. His background in IT will no doubt help as the hospitality industry in this country is gaining momentum in digitization.

For those who are fans of Infinity, they are working on some new songs and are looking at releasing an album by the end of 2017. Here’s hoping their music makes us tap our toes and relax our souls.

