Apillon provides NFT-based festival memorabilia for MENT Ljubljana

MENT is introducing NFT-powered visual art initiatives, fan engagement and loyalty programs through Apillon’s platform and on-site support.

Published in
5 min readFeb 5, 2024


Apillon, an easy-to-use Web3 development platform, is partnering with MENT Ljubljana to provide infrastructural and technical support for all things NFT. And most importantly, to unleash the true decentralized power of festival collectibles and their bonuses.

MENT Ljubljana, one of the CEE region’s leading festivals and music conferences, focuses on promoting independent and innovative music, primarily contemporary pop music. The festival is immensely successful in terms of attendance and the quality of the performances.

MENT Ljubljana festival and its opening and closing dates.
MENT Ljubljana’s program will be live from February 21–24 across different venues.

In light of this year’s decennial, MENT Ljubljana organizers are topping it all off with additional bonuses, offered through their freshly launched NFTs, intended for the music and art enthusiasts, concertgoers, conference attendees, fans, and selected performing artists.

The main purpose is to interconnect both physical and digital realms of art and music and equip them with valuable perks and benefits for the next generations of MENT, or as they put it, for “the shape of MENT to come.”

MENT be minting with Apillon

MENT Ljubljana has already pioneered blockchain tech in the previous performances of the festival. And for the celebratory 10th year, there will be quite a few occasions to snatch a value-packed NFT or two.

You might win a surprise bonus for your attendance when MENT comes to town next year. Maybe you’ll get a special privilege to hear the news among the first. Or, you’ll casually decide to buy an inspiring artwork and hang it on your digital wall(et).

Opportunities where you will be able to buy or simply get digitally-based MENT value in the form of an NFT will be the following:

1. appointMENT — poster art NFTs

appointMENT event at MENT festival, 5 February
The appointMENT project, showcasing posters in DobraVaga gallery.

The 8th edition of the appointMENT project will feature unique posters inspired by the festival’s music acts, showcased in DobraVaga gallery. Created by 74 talented Slovenian and Serbian artists, the diverse sea of art will be presented using the digital printing technique.

Enters Apillon, these remarkable posters will shapeshift into NFTs to provide the artists with tools to enter the Web3 era of business, as they will be able to put their artwork for Web3 sale. Be on the lookout to buy yourself something pretty.

2. MENT-minted tokens of appreciation

As a reward for the general attendance at the 10th MENT, the festival will distribute 200 bonus-providing MENT tokens, bringing unique perks for the 2025 event.

The loyalty perks have not yet been revealed; however, there’s talk about early-bird ticket offers, other reduced rates, special rewards, hear-it-first newsletter subscriptions and merchandise options.

The 200 NFTs will run in 4 different tiers, each providing a separate set of bonuses. And, as the supply is scarce, we suggest you make a mental note so you don’t miss your chance.

4 tiers of MENT tokens: basic, golden, rare, and super rare.

The mechanics of winning the attendance-driven perks:

  • First, you scan the QR code on-site at one of the MENT venues or in the catalog after your attendance is paid for and confirmed.
  • Then, if you are among the first 200 lucky claimers, you’ll receive an email to claim your NFT beauty as soon as possible. Once you connect your digital wallet and officially claim your NFT, it will drop into your wallet. And, the admiration begins.

If you’re not fast enough, you’ll be placed on a waitlist — then you’ll just have to cross your fingers and hope somebody forgot to claim theirs, so you might still get your turn.

Stay tuned!

In any case, keep an eye out for the QR code to secure these fabulous perks. And don’t worry, we won’t leave you hanging. If you haven’t participated in the NFT business yet and don’t have a digital wallet, you’ll get all the info at the right time.

There are even rumors of some on-site Apillon helpers to guide you through the process and ensure everyone enters Web3 as seamlessly as possible.

Apillon making NFT worlds seem closer

Convinced to come to the festival? Great, see you at MENT Ljubljana!

Inspired to make history? Perfect, take a closer look at the Apillon platform and mint your own NFT collection in minutes.

Apillon’s NFT-minting service is one of the simplest to use, as it’s mostly drag and drop. All you need is some artwork and the data that defines it in the background, upload it all and mint your private collection of NFTs.

Here is a quick guide to scroll through and start building the future👇

Yes, it’s that simple! Dive in and start your Web3 journey for free.

⧓ About Apillon

The Apillon platform serves as a unified gateway to the Web3 services provided by linked Polkadot parachains. Following the multi-chain vision, Apillon powers the transition of developers to Web3, simplifying its adoption in the real economy, and expanding its versatility as the ecosystem grows. With Apillon, Web3 services are within reach for every developer, regardless of their background and experience with blockchain technology.

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Apillon Web3 development platform eases the development of advanced Web3 apps by connecting parachain services through APIs and bypassing blockchain complexity.