APIMatic Turns 3; Announcing Support of OAS 3.0

Adeel Ali
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2017

This week marks APIMatic’s 3rd anniversary. The year #3 was a special one, as we expanded our presence to 3 countries across 3 continents of the world. We now manage 3 domains: APIMatic.io (a top-quality client code & docs generator for APIs), APITransformer.com (a converter that covers the highest number of API formats), and SDKs.io (the largest SDKs repo for public APIs). Today, we’re going to make our 3rd anniversary more special by announcing the support of the well-anticipated API description format: OpenAPI Specification 3.0.

OAS 3.0 — Why should we care?

In the absence of a standard like WSDL, the web API community have come up with numerous varieties to describe APIs. Among those formats, Swagger, RAML (by Mulesoft) and API Blueprint (by Apiary) are the widely adopted ones. In late 2015, Swagger was renamed as OpenAPI Specification and became part of the Open API Initiative, which is backed up by the likes of Google, IBM, Atlassian and many others. The OAI is currently focused on creating a vendor neutral API description format which is named as OpenAPI Specification 3.0. With Apiary and Mulesoft also joining the initiative recently, OAS 3.0 is anticipated to be the prime choice to describe APIs in the coming future.

What’s in it for you?

By adding the support of OAS 3.0, APIMatic has opened up a whole world of possibilities. Let’s discuss a few probable use cases:

Getting the Best of Every Vendor

You keep your APIs in OAS 3.0, but also want to use a tool that is compatible with only RAML 1.0 or API Blueprint. You can do that by temporarily converting your API on-the-fly via the Transformer API. Our friends at Postman took this to another level, as now their customers are able to store their favourite Postman Collections in multiple API formats at Github. Check the story out in their own words: Why We Became Big Believers in APIMatic’s API Transformer

Developerless Developer Experience

You’ve designed the best API of the world, and have also described it using OAS 3.0. So far so good! Now your API is going to meet developers. Are you prepared for that? Do you have time and resources to provide a developer experience that maximises developer adoption? Do you speak all the languages of your developers? APIMatic can sort this out for you. Just import your OAS 3.0 to our developerless API portal, and witness the magic of automation.

Unlocking Old SOA

Your decade old enterprise system contains hundreds of thousands of legacy WSDL files. Now you want to adopt a new micro-services architecture based on OAS 3.0, but the idea of porting all those WSDLs to OAS 3.0 gives you nightmare. No worries! APITransformer.com can do it for you in a matter of few hours.

What’s Next?

We’ve been closely following the development around OAS 3.0. At the time of writing, the latest version is 3.0.0-RC1, which is supported across APIMatic product line. OAS 3.0 is coming up with some exciting new features such as multiple hosts, other response codes, linking and examples. APIMatic’s code-gen engine already supports some of them such as multiple hosts, while some others are being added to our product roadmap.

Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget tweeting @apimatic a cool birthday wish :-)

