APIOps Cycles — ecosystem driven API lifecycle management methodology

Jarkko Moilanen (PhD)
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2017


Mulesoft’s Managing the Full API Lifecycle is an excellent package. I have learned a lot from it. APIOps community should embrace it, read it carefully and learn from it. However, it is clear that they push their own closed source solutions alone with the package. It is not open for contributions, it is not API ecosystem driven. Both MuleSoft’s “Managing the Full API Lifecycle” and APIOps Cycles address the same topics. That is where the similarities end.

APIOps Cycles

  • is community driven and multiple companies and individuals have already contributed to the methodology and activities.
  • is open source (source in Github), related contributions are managed in github and is CC-BY-SA licensed.
  • is openly governed, not by one organisation.
  • everyone can participate in commons oriented API lifecycle management package regardless of organisation or lack of it.
  • APIOps Cycles is driven by ecosystem, not by single source of truth.
  • is basaar driven, not dictated by priests in monasteries.

Follow the footsteps of Swagger?

In the past Swagger was initiated by one company. Now it’s de facto stardard to describe REST APIs. On top of that it is developed by ecosystem (multiple vendors) under Linux Foundation. With API management lifecycle, we could follow the same path. It’s a long journey, but doable.

Join us

Check out APIOps Cycles and contribute after reading the development guidelines!



Jarkko Moilanen (PhD)

Open Data Product Specification igniter and maintainer (Linux Foundation project). Author of business-oriented data economy books. AI/ Product Lead professional