APIOps Cycles method for lean API Development

Marjukka Niinioja
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2018
APIOps Cycles (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

In case you were wondering what is APIOps Cycles -method and how it was born, check out the video in this post. The method is for everyone to use and licensed with CC-BY-SA 4.0. Also the video is licensed as Creative Commons with attributions. I invite the community to contribute to creating subtitles and translations. Credits will be added to this post and YouTube.

Video is a summary of my talks at APIDays Paris 2018 and API-talous 101 in Helsinki, with a little bit more on some of the tools and phases on the method and also how to get started.

A year in lean API development — time to review and renew

Now that I’m writing this post, it has been a bit over a year since the method was created. It took half a year for anyone to get at all interested, but since then there has been steady growth in the interest in Finland and also a very warm welcome in Paris conference and many other parts of the world.

But all things must evolve and impact must be verified, so I’m doing my second master’s thesis, this time in business at Laurea School of Applied Sciences. I will be researching some of the applications and cases to go deeper on how the method is applied. If you have an interesting case, ideas or feedback on the method please do contact me or ping @apiopscycles in Twitter. I’ll promise named or anonymous credits included in the thesis depending on how you want your contribution handled.

And don’t forget to like the post and the video, the more likes, the more it tells everyone if this is an important topic to go further and to post more information about.

The method is licensed with creative commons (CC-BY-SA 4.0) and free to use, even commercially. It was originally created at Digia Plc and donated to the APIOps -community. The method is maintained actively by Osaango Ltd. Find the method at www.apiopscycles.com.

APIOps -trademark is used by APIOps–community and separate categories are registered to APInf Oy and Osaango Oy. APIOps Cycles is a trademark of Osaango Oy.



Marjukka Niinioja
Editor for

@apiops community mgr. Author of a book on API Economy. Developed APIOps Cycles method https://www.apiopscycles.com. APItalista & Partner https://osaango.com