All types of POST Requests with Postman

Let’s explore the different ways you can do an HTTP POST request in Postman.

Valentin Despa
APIs with Valentine


The primary purpose of a POST request method is to send a body with data, but technically speaking, you can leave that empty.

How the data in the body is formatted is indicated by the Content-Type header which will be sent with the request.

For all examples, I will be using, which will show in the response the data we have sent. This is ideal for learning and debugging purposes.

Which of the following POST content types you need to use depends on your API/server. Consult the documentation.

POST request to send JSON (application/json)

One of the most common use-cases is needing to send a JSON payload to an API.

To send a POST request with JSON, select the POST request method, click on Body, and select raw. From the select list, choose JSON instead of Text

It is imperative that you send valid JSON otherwise the API won’t be able to parse your request.



Valentin Despa
APIs with Valentine

Software developer, educator & overlander • GitLab Hero • AWS Community Builder • Postman Supernova • Imprint: