How to import the WSDL of a SOAP Web Service in Postman

For a long time, working with SOAP in Postman was not natively supported and you had to create all requests from scratch or copy-paste them from SoapUI. Now you can import a WSDL file in Postman and autogenerate a Postman collection. Let me show you how.

Valentin Despa
APIs with Valentine


Step 1: Get the URL of the WSDL file

For this example, I will be using the Calculator Web Service available at The WSDL file is, as expected, available at:

Make sure that you can successfully open the WSDL in your browser before proceeding to Postman.

The WSDL file is available by appending the query parameter ?WSDL to the URL.

Step 2: Importing the WSDL file in Postman

Open Postman and click on Import > Link and paste the link to the WSDL file. Click on Continue.

Finally, click on Import.



Valentin Despa
APIs with Valentine

Software developer, educator & overlander • GitLab Hero • AWS Community Builder • Postman Supernova • Imprint: